Great article! I just wanted to add a few things. Dr Jerry Tennant, who is an innovative MD that has to use his Naturopathic or Homeopath license to treat his patients because he discovered so much about how the body develops cancer and how voltage is everything when it comes to health and his teachings don’t comply with mainstream SOC. He used to think that hidden dental infections were the number one cause of disease because they short-circuit the electrical system that feeds each organ the energy it needs to function properly (In TCM, the electrical system of the body is called the Meridians). But having just seen him at an advanced program for BioGeometry grads in FL last September, he told me that he’s found what he now considers the Number 1 cause. That’s held emotions. The ones stored in various areas of the body. Eileen McCusick developed sound therapy with tuning forks. These sound frequencies can detect and dislodge the stored emotions and help free up energy that has “crystallized” in the energy field. So I would definitely say that clearing the emotions via tuning forks is a very effective way to clear an underlying cause of disease.

Thank you again for your Homeopathy articles. I am so appreciative. 🙏🏻♥️

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There are many causes of illness and many wonderful therapies. Our health issues are like a bracelet of pearls (physical, mental, emotional, energetic etc), and if we break one link the whole thing comes tumbling apart. I have explored many of these alternative modalities as well. I find homeopathy to be a wonderful bridge between old school pill-popping medicine and newer treatments, and it can work with and within the old and new paradigms as well. :)

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