Anyone who uses homeopathy for any length of time is going to run into the confusing situation where well-chosen remedies are not acting as they ‘should’, or as we would expect them to. This might look like a chronic case that just isn’t improving at all, or an acute situation that is escalating despite using the appropriate remedies.
For the most part, my intensive training in homeopathy taught me to just use the medicines and not to worry about causes: A diagnosis plus a Banerji Protocol, or simply using the symptoms of the condition, were all that was needed.
And often that is true. So definitely start there. And remember that the dance with homeopathy, and chronic cases in particular, is most often two steps forward and one step back, gradually moving in the right direction with fewer and fewer setbacks over many months or even years.
However, more and more often it seems this is not enough to attain total CURE— versus a situation that is very much better but still recurs periodically.
As I outlined in my article Mrs. G, I have been noticing for some time that those people who have been less ‘tinkered with’— those who have taken fewer medications, those who have had fewer (or no) vaccines, and those who generally have stayed clear of medical procedures— are easier to reach a cure with homeopathy.
As my homeopathy practice has grown, I have attracted more and more complex cases. These people have a lot of health issues, that have been going on for a long time, and now have conditions that are really affecting their ability to live freely.
Typically these people have already tried ‘everything’, often treading the well-worn path of 20-plus years of mainstream medical interventions towards a gradual switch to ‘alternative’ therapies. (If only we all started out with homeopathy we could avoid so much suffering!)
Working with these challenging cases, I would typically find that we could help a lot of symptoms with homeopathy, and would see slow and gradual improvements over time. But I began to encounter situations that really tested my understanding. Some common examples include—
Taking a remedy for a while with some success and then it just stops acting. (And this might be repeated over and over again. Choose another, get some relief, and then no further action.)
Symptoms improve but the person can never stop taking the remedies without the condition coming right back. Like a chronic sore throat that improves with the remedies, but after months it still hadn’t resolved to the point of being able to stop taking them. Chronic UTIs is another common example.
For some people, NOTHING would touch their condition. For instance, intense dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps) that no good remedy, no matter the potency, would help in any meaningful way.
Others would be going along pretty well, very gradually improving with homeopathy, only to get a cold, or encounter a stressor (environmental, emotional) or have some other setback that would put the case almost back to square one.
In all of the above examples, it can be extremely hard for the person to bear and often they start to wonder if something is wrong with them, and even to despair of ever being able to heal. Others blame homeopathy and say it ‘doesn’t work’ and go looking for yet another modality to heal them.
(Saying homeopathy doesn’t work is as broadly silly as saying food doesn’t work.)
When this happens it can be tempting to think you need to just work harder to find the ‘perfect’ remedy, the one that fits everything, that covers that super-rare or unique symptom they have— the one remedy to rule them all! But typically this is just a time-consuming rabbit-hole.
And the reason is because we are missing the cause.
For quite some time I persisted in the belief that homeopathy just works and you don’t have to change your diet or stop medications in order to heal.
While this may be true in some cases, there are those where homeopathy keeps coming up against a brick wall.
But if you knock down that wall then homeopathy can do what it was meant to!
So today I’m going to introduce you to some very important concepts that may help you to see more clearly your conditions, to understand what an obstacle to cure looks like, and to give the overview of what we can do about it. Then in upcoming articles I will break each of these categories down with real-life examples and the practical actions we can take to uproot these obstacles in order to achieve actual, lasting healing.
In short, an OBSTACLE TO CURE is something that is continually impeding the action of our medicines. It is the SUSTAINING CAUSE that— because it is currently active— keeps the problem in place.
Here are a couple of obvious examples:
Let’s say someone has pulmonary disease and yet they continue to smoke. Every day they take their homeopathic medicines and yet every day they introduce smoke into their lungs. You can imagine their progress will be extremely limited, no matter how excellent the homeopathic medicines may be.
[Vaping is another one that can be even worse, with symptoms you might not ever link to it, such as gastrointestinal problems.)
Another common example is someone who drinks alcohol every evening and also has insomnia. If the person were to stop drinking alcohol for even a few weeks they would likely find their sleep normalized. (You still might give homeopathy in a case like this, and it might help, but it might also be prevented from fully acting by the powerful effects of the alcohol.)
In cases like these, no matter what, you will not completely overcome the daily poisons of alcohol consumption, smoking, and other obvious sustaining causes. This can also be true of marijuana and other recreational drug use, medications (see more below), toxic exposures (say from living near agriculture and the chemicals used), and the many, many other influences our bodies are encountering on a regular basis.
Another (big) category is what we eat. In theory, diet doesn’t matter with homeopathy. However, it does matter to your overall health. And food is medicine. Many times I have seen a woman finally transition to cleaner eating (typically cutting out junk food and switching to whole foods, along whatever lines they prefer) and within months their menstrual cramps will decrease to an amazing degree. (I saw this myself when I went to a clean diet.)
Many, many conditions can at least be improved by healthier diet choices.
It does happen, however, that although not eating certain foods can keep health conditions under control, it doesn’t necessarily uproot them: Slip up on your eating plan and it rears its ugly head again.
Pre-homeopathy I got my health conditions about 90% (or more) under control with clean eating. Then homeopathy came in to help uproot the conditions more permanently. (And now I see where the lingering issues come from sustained causes!)
None of this is to stress you out, I know you are already doing a lot.
But we all could use a solid look at the factors that are keeping us sick.
And then to learn what to DO about these things while still being able to live in our modern world!
Mr. Manfred Mueller is a very experienced and respected homeopath who has worked with thousands of complex cases and has helped them heal through a combination of homeopathy and removing obstacles to cure.
In his new book, Extra Strength Homeopathy, Mueller instructs us in working to remove our most common sustaining causes— or what he refers to as our modern-day miasms, or diseases.
Without going too deeply into ‘miasms’, just think of them as diseases, which is how Samuel Hahnemann (the founder of homeopathy) used the term.
The original miasms were the epidemics that plagued society, and even came to influence the genes of our ancestors, in some cases being passed down epigenetically to offspring as a tendency to certain disease groups.
During the time of Samuel Hahnemann, and the other homeopaths that followed him, the main miasms were Scabies (Psoric), Tuberculosis (Tubercular), Syphilis (Syphilitic), Gonorrhea (Sycotic).
These diseases were common, they were not yet managed well by medicines, and they were infectious. Tuberculosis was like cancer is today— no one knew what to do about it and many died from it.
Nowadays when homeopaths encounter a tough case, they often will look for the ‘miasmatic remedy’, with the idea being that there is an underlying block or cause that might be hereditary.
Psorinum, Tuberculinum Bovinum, Syphilinum and Medorrhinum are the main homeopathic remedies that correspond to the above listed miasms.
These remedies are called nosodes because the homeopathic medicine is made from the actual disease matter (scabies mite, tuberculosis, syphilis and gonorrhea).
Nosodes are just a category of homeopathic medicines, like cell salts are another categorization of homeopathy.
These nosodes are great homeopathic medicines, and you will find them in the Banerji Protocols for a variety of conditions.
And the idea of finding and breaking through the blocks in difficult cases is also useful.
[Note: These remedies are not only used for scabies, tuberculosis, syphilis and gonorrhea— they have extensive entries in our Materia Medicas and may be useful in a wide variety of cases, as appropriate. Take a look at where the Banerjis used them in the protocols to get an idea of how and where to employ them!]
However, these are still just homeopathic medicines, and are not magically waived at hard cases, such as the ones I outlined above, to reach a cure.
Importantly, in Extra Strength Homeopathy, Mr. Mueller points out that these original miasms are no longer the primary threat to our society.
You likely don’t know many people dealing with scabies, tuberculosis, syphilis and gonorrhea these days. Yes, these conditions still exist, and we may be influenced by them, but they are not the scourge they once were. We also know how to treat these actual diseases now, including with homeopathy of course.
Mueller identifies our primary modern-day miasms as:
— Radiation
— Mercury (and toxins in general)
— Drugs
— Immune Deficiency (which is brought about by all of the above)
— Cancer
Others have pointed out the Cancer miasm as well, but Mueller goes very in depth into this. (Carcinosin is the corresponding nosode.)
To me, his clarity on this topic is quite genius and brings into focus what I have been seeing in my practice. It points to the causative and underlying factors in all of my complex cases. And I would certainly agree that humankind is struggling with these influences as a whole.
I’ll give a brief summary of these modern-day miasms below, and will follow with articles that dive into each category, including, most importantly, what we can do about them.
I also recommend his book, Extra Strength Homeopathy, for those who want more info now. I wouldn’t say it’s a hard read, and it is written in layman’s terms. However, for someone with no training in homeopathy they might find some sections hard to follow. The first half of the book covers these modern-day miasms (obstacles to cure) and I think anyone will follow the information easily. The second half goes into great depth about using Q potencies (a form of homeopathic medicine preparation) and other more technical information, which may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Also, while the content of the book is excellent, it could really use quite a bit more editing.
[Note: I do not prefer to use the Q potencies. However, I often say that homeopathy can work in just about any way that a person wants to use it. I know people who have successful practices uses all types of methodology. There is what works and what doesn’t, but there is no one right way. YET these obstacles to cure are important no matter which healing modalities you choose to employ.]
Knowing how many people need this information, and how few will read his book, I feel it very important to break it down and share the basics so that all can benefit. I also have a lot to add from my experience. But I give full credit where due.
In addition, Mr. Mueller supposedly will be offering online tutorials (as referenced in his book), but as of this writing they still are not available on his website. (The courses are there, but there’s no way to pay for them. When I enquired at the office I was told that they’d be ready in January 2025. I was put on the mailing list to be notified.)
For those who might be interested in working with him, you can also find Mr. Mueller’s homeopathy clinic here.
To clarify, in case you are wondering how these are miasms are diseases, a disease is defined as;
An abnormal condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, inflammation, environmental factors, or genetic defect, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs, symptoms, or both.
In short, a disease causes sickness.
Radiation includes what we nowadays think of as EMFs as well as the myriad other forms of radiation that we are exposed to constantly, natural or not. The type of EMF radiation from cellphones is particularly challenging to biological systems because it is erratic and pulsing, as the phone is continually pinging the nearest cellphone towers.
If the idea that radiation might be a health challenge is new to you, consider checking out these links:
The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation" with Dr Devra Davis:
And the documentary Take Back Your Power.
It can be hard to grasp that radiation is linked to many health problems, or might be preventing healing, partly because it is invisible to us. (Rather like human understanding before and after the invention of the microscope.) And like the lobster in the pot of boiling water, we have been so gradually introduced to more and more frequencies in our environment that it is impossible to see clearly a before and after.
I will share more about ways to mitigate this in an upcoming article. Depending on what you are dealing with (such as a child with a brain tumor), you may need to get somewhat extreme in removing the wireless devices from your life. In other cases there are products that help mitigate the radiation.
Once the cause is removed then the radiation effects can be cleared using homeopathy.
You might be interested to research EMF sensitivity or EMF syndrome. Here’s one article that outlines a number of possible symptoms of EMF sickness. A few of the most common symptoms include fatigue, headaches, insomnia and anxiety.
Mercury is a serious issue. It is toxic to life and has relatively recently (in terms of human history) been introduced to the body in a variety of forms. Samuel Hahnemann lamented the medical treatments of his day, which often included administering mercury in its crude form. This malpractice was a primary reason he gave up being a doctor and went in search of something that would help without hurting his patients. (And which led to his discovery of the homeopathic method.)
Two primary ways we get mercury in our systems are through vaccines and through mercury amalgam fillings, but there are also food sources (tuna especially and seafood), and other forms of mercury still show up in various medications as well.
Once in the tissues, mercury doesn’t circulate, so it can’t be identified in regular blood tests. (There is a special ‘challenge test’ that can be done to chelate and get the mercury moving in order to measure it.)
Even if you had mercury fillings removed in the past, if you never did anything to detox the mercury, then it is still in your tissues. Mercury and other heavy metals, do not leave without help.
If you have amalgam fillings then you still have a constant, daily source of mercury that is leaching and off-gassing into your system.
Check out the entry for the Mercurius medicines in your homeopathic Materia Medica to get an idea of what it does to the human body. But there’s even more than what may appear in the books. If you are dealing with neurological conditions, Alzheimer’s, Autism, OCD, Multiple Sclerosis etc, then detoxing mercury and other heavy metals safely should most likely be a primary part of your healing plan.
So long as it is the system it will continue to be a sustaining cause that homeopathy cannot remove. Homeopathy can help with the symptoms of mercury intoxication, but will not take it out of the body.
In addition to neurological conditions, if you have chronic, constant infections, mercury may be at work.
As Mr. Mueller shares, the (rather ingenious) method that the body uses to manage mercury poisoning (and to save you), is to have the immune system stand down and to ALLOW microbes and low grade infections to persist. It does this because then the mercury in placed inside the organisms, thereby protecting the human ecosystem.
So if you’ve ever tried to blast away your chronic infection only to feel worse, this may be what is happening. These chronic infections may actually be in place in an attempt to protect the body from a much worse fate.
Once you have removed the mercury, then the entire organism can be healed. And there are inexpensive and gentle ways to do this over time.
Mercury is discussed extensively because it is so omnipresent and toxic. But other metals such as aluminum, iron, and a great many environmental and industrial toxins can wreak havoc as well.
This article will get way too long if I share all of the solutions right now. But rest assured I have already been outlining the articles to follow and I will share much more about how to gently and effectively deal with this.
Pharmaceuticals cause conditions. These may look like ‘side effects’ while taking the drug, but can also lead to sustained (ongoing) health conditions that we don’t even link back to the medications taken. As discussed before, this may lead to a chain of drugs, each one treating what was caused by the former.
Drugs can also be suppressive. Meaning they ‘force down’ the symptoms or disease, but don’t make it go away. Drugs don’t cure. They are always doing something to override the body’s systems or to make the symptoms disappear, but they don’t uproot the condition.
Mr. Mueller uses what he has coined ‘The Mueller Method’ to unwind these medical causes by antidoting each drug or intervention systematically, starting with the most recent and going backwards. HE calls this RCT or Reverse Chronological Tautopathy. This includes everything from ibuprofen to high blood pressure medications to cancer treatments to vaccinations to anesthesia to MRIs and Xrays.
This process works to remove sustaining causes so that homeopathy can do it’s job. And in some cases just removing the sustaining cause can lead to healing.
[Note: You can’t be taking a medication and clear it at the same time. You can’t have mercury in your system and just use homeopathic mercury to clear it. You can’t be living under constant 5G signals and clear it at the same time. The whole point is that first the cause must be removed or mitigated. This is very important to remember. Until the cause is removed we can’t antidote it!]
A great many (most) of my clients have taken many drugs over the years. Some of these were extremely problematic— either at the time of taking it they caused suffering, or years later the drugs were pulled off the market for serious health repercussions.
Being able to help wind back these effects using homeopathy is a wonderful option.
What has also been coming into sharper focus for me is the clients who are currently taking medications and aren’t making the headway with homeopathy that I would normally expect.
Homeopathy doesn’t interfere with the medications per se. And I was taught to just add the homeopathy and let people wean off the pharmaceuticals if and when they chose to. This approach can work in many cases, but there are also times that I can see the medication’s daily action is preventing homeopathy from doing its job. Like smoking or drinking every day, only by prescription.
Other drugs, such as marijuana and cocaine, can also be cleared. I certainly know people who have never been right since using recreational drugs.
(This clearing may not remove structural damage, but the influence or the artificial disease that was created by the body trying to handle the toxic influence.)
Many of you may reflect back on examples in your lives of people who have never been quite right since an illness, an operation, or a medication taken. A couple of examples that I hear regularly are having never been right since taking antibiotics, or never-well since taking Tamiflu. Not to mention all the people (children and adults) who haven’t been right since vaccines.
I’ll break this down in a future article as well, including the process of clearing medications by using homeopathic medicines.
Chronic immune deficiency is something I am encountering more and more frequently. This can show up as people who get sick at the least exposure, are living with chronic low-grade cold and flu symptoms, have chronic infections, and even sometimes feel like they have to exist in a bubble or else be perpetually sick. Others may have trouble with things like wounds getting infected and not healing promptly and easily, with chronic inflammation, and perpetually swollen lymph glands.
-Radiation exerts constant influences that may weaken the system, particularly in those who are sensitive or susceptible. (And also in conjunction with heavy metals in the system.)
-Mercury (and other metals and toxins) may contribute to this weakening as well, and even cause the immune system to stand down in order to protect the overall organism (as mentioned above).
-Drugs can directly decrease immunity. For example, drugs with prednisone in the name, and others such as clonazepam, have been documented to cause immunosuppression. In addition, these toxic and suppressive influences may have just worn the body down over time.
Put all of them together and they create the perfect storm.
I think most could agree that cancer is the miasm (disease) of our age. Mr. Mueller outlines a complete picture of the ‘Cancer Diathesis’, as he calls it, which is a strong tendency to cancer, particularly in our young population today. (This doesn’t mean they have it now. However, without steps to mitigate the tendency, including radiation exposure and toxic influences, it is highly possible that in the coming decades they will encounter it.)
Homeopathy can be very helpful with cancers, but we also have to look to the above listed obstacles. For instance brain cancers may not make progress without removing the radiation frequencies.
With all of the above, homeopathy has it’s role to play. The Banerji Protocols can be very effective, as well as other homeopathic medicines to handle current symptoms, and ultimately when the causes are removed the body can finally bring about a cure.
This is mentioned briefly by Mr. Mueller, but this is another major obstacle to cure that I am encountering often in my practice.
In my opinion, a great deal of what the dental industry is doing leads to very destructive outcomes. Mercury amalgam fillings, root canals, and fluoride are three top examples that lead to not just mouth problems, migraines, and neuralgia (to name a few) but also to systemic diseases— from rheumatoid arthritis to cardiac disease to kidney problems.
I’ve studied and worked with these issues quite a bit, in myself and others, and will share what I have learned and what to do about it in a lengthy future article.
There are certainly other issues that can provide obstacles to healing.
For instance, breast implants. If you have breast implants and have mystery health problems, I recommend you read the book The Naked Truth About Breast Implants: From Harm to Healing. And then I would use homeopathy in conjunction with removing the implants and other modalities as recommended by the author, Dr. Kolb.
Many are also dealing with pathogens and other organisms. Depending on the source of the information, it is stated that at least as many bacteria, viruses, fungi and archaea exist in our body systems as do human cells, if not more. We are actually an incredible cooperative ecosystem.
I believe that through addressing the above categories, we can improve immunity, and then the body can handle overcoming microbes that are harmful, and live in balance and harmony with the rest. As Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt says about the newer ‘bugs’— for instance Lyme— we are now at a point not of eradicating these bacteria but of taming and living with them. The time is over to shoot for a sterile body.
One other obstacle to cure can be mental and emotional conflicts and traumas. And this brings me to one other tool that I have found to be helpful in complex cases— and that is using homeopathy in very high potencies, sometimes called Megapotencies. I have had cases that were extremely stuck, that nothing would touch, literally, that got unstuck by using homeopathic 10Ms, 50Ms and even higher.
This approach is not going to be appropriate for everyone or every case, but definitely has its place in my toolkit. Many homeopaths would disagree, and this is a topic that people tend to either love or fear. In a future article I will share what I know so you can consider if it would be helpful for you and yours.
In addition to the above, I will also specifically address Autism and ADD/ADHD. I have a fair amount of experience with these conditions only using homeopathy (with good results) and also look forward to even better results utilizing the above methods in conjunction with homeopathy.
So, you can look forward to more details on these topics in the coming months. As always, I aim to make the information simple, directly useful, and affordable for all, including the homeopathic medicines and how to use them.
I will continue to post on other topics as well, interspersed with this very important information about removing obstacles to cure.
If we could remove the sustaining causes for ourselves and our loved ones, we would need a lot fewer remedies and the remedies we did take would act that much more efficiently.
Homeopathy has the power to uproot conditions when given the chance!
My wish is for everyone to be free to be healthy, with the solutions they need to clear up chronic conditions once and for all.
As always, paid subscribers may comment or ask questions below and I will respond.
Find the full Homeopathy Rising archive here. I notice many new subscribers starting at the beginning and working their way through the articles. I definitely recommend this approach for those of you that are new to this (or to my approach).
As always, I must remind you that I am not a doctor and do not diagnose or prescribe. I offer educational information that you may find useful in your journey. But when in doubt please consult an expert or get the help you need!
Thank you for reading and subscribing! Until next time.
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Great article! I just wanted to add a few things. Dr Jerry Tennant, who is an innovative MD that has to use his Naturopathic or Homeopath license to treat his patients because he discovered so much about how the body develops cancer and how voltage is everything when it comes to health and his teachings don’t comply with mainstream SOC. He used to think that hidden dental infections were the number one cause of disease because they short-circuit the electrical system that feeds each organ the energy it needs to function properly (In TCM, the electrical system of the body is called the Meridians). But having just seen him at an advanced program for BioGeometry grads in FL last September, he told me that he’s found what he now considers the Number 1 cause. That’s held emotions. The ones stored in various areas of the body. Eileen McCusick developed sound therapy with tuning forks. These sound frequencies can detect and dislodge the stored emotions and help free up energy that has “crystallized” in the energy field. So I would definitely say that clearing the emotions via tuning forks is a very effective way to clear an underlying cause of disease.
Thank you again for your Homeopathy articles. I am so appreciative. 🙏🏻♥️