The Banerji Protocols— Book Corrections
Don't miss these important edits to make to your copy!
Before we continue with the Getting Started with Homeopathy series, I have some important information to share with you. So grab your copy of The Banerji Protocols, A New Method of Treatment with Homeopathic Medicines by Prasanta Banerji and Pratip Banerji, and manually make the following corrections.
These corrections are based on the errors that exist in the hardcover copy that I own. (Copyright 2013 by Dr Pratip Banerji, reprinted 2019.) These corrections were passed down to me from my teacher who studied under the Banerjis, and who also, from what I understand, owns a copy of the original printing of the book.
• Some of the corrections below are very minor. And I skipped altogether ones that don’t affect the readability; such as a quote not closed, a period skipped, spacing off, and ellipses (…) missing.
• A handful of the corrections are actually important to the medicine names and administration of the protocols.
• And one correction is VERY IMPORTANT:
Aconitum Napelles Q (Mother Tincture) — DO NOT USE- May be poisonous in gross form!
(Apparently, the Banerjis did not calculate this book would end up in the hands of laypeople worldwide. They were relying on their own pharmacies, in India, under their care and observation.)
Cross out the mother tincturein the book and note that instead we use Aconitum Napelles 200C.See pgs. 101, 135 (in two places), and 139 in the book. Also refer to the corrections list below.
Go now and write in these important changes.
If you already bought Aconitum Q , discard it with care (like in a hole in the dirt) and do not use it for any purpose.
A few other notes about the book:
• Be sure to read the introductory section of The Banerji Protocols book, pages IX, X and XI. This important section will explain a lot of details. And if you have a question as you are looking at the protocols, go back and read these pages! (In fact, I recommend reading the entire book more than once.)
• The index at the back of the book leaves a lot to be desired when searching for what you need. Check out the BANERJI PROTOCOL INDEX I created with all the protocols listed by name and page, which you can use to easily search here.
• Anywhere they call for for 1000C potency, that is also known as 1M.
• Mother Tincture may be written as MT, Q, Ø, ϴ. The Banerjis use ϴ. (I use MT or Q for ease of typing.)
[More on this in the future, but a mother tincture is the plant in gross (herbal) tincture form, as yet undiluted.]
• Condurango may be found under Cundurango in Robin Murphy’s Nature’s Materia Medica. In case you are looking for more info about this medicine.
• Vitex Negundo Q is very hard to find. (See protocols on pgs. 60, 95, and 120.) This is the one place I am aware of that sells it (use the search bar):
• I do not have any corrections for the Additional Banerji Protocols book. (That doesn’t mean there aren’t any, just that I am not aware of any at this point.)
• If I come across future corrections, I will post them to this Substack so that everyone will be notified. Subscribe for free so you don’t miss any future notifications!
CORRECTIONS to The Banerji Protocols, A New Method of Treatment with Homeopathic Medicines by Prasanta Banerji and Pratip Banerji,
pg. XIV, first line
‘provers’ (not ‘proven’)
pg. XIV, b), last sentence
+/- 43 minutes (not +1-43)
pg. 5, second paragraph, last sentence
the (not rbe)
pg. 31, under Our statistics
Improved / Static (add the forward slash)
pg. 38, 8th paragraph, first sentence
after 3 1/2 years (not 3Vi)
pg. 39, Stomach Cancer, First Line Medicines
Arsenicum Album 3C, in liquid, one dose 15 minutes before (not 13 minutes)
pg. 40, bottom of page, Second Line Medicines
Graphites (spelling correction)
pg. 53, first section, edit the section headers in purple-blue boxes
Should read: First Line Medicines (not Second) and Second Line Medicines (not Third)
pg. 53, Benign Tumors of the Stomach, First Line Medicines
•Conium Maculatum 3C, two doses daily (not 1000C in liquid)
pg. 54, second sentence
It is a localised (not I)
pg. 60, bottom of page, edit the section headers
FOR FEVER (instead of First Line Medicines)
FOR ALLERGIC RASHES ON BODY (instead of Second Line Medicines)
also see Arsenicum Album 200C (fix the 0s under Second Line Medicines)
FOR FEVER AND CHILL (instead of Third Line Medicines)
pg. 64, Dacrocystitis, First Line Medicines
one dose every alternate day (spelling correction)
pg. 67, bottom of page, First Line Medicines
You may add a note here that these first two medicines (Tellurium and Conium 3C) are used especially in acute cases of vertigo+.
pg. 69, top of page, First Line Medicines
• Chelidonium Majus 6X in liquid, and Carduus Marianus MT, one dose every 3 hours, alternately. (Remove the second bullet point.)
pg. 75, top section, Third Line Medicines
Cuprum Metallicum (spelling correction)
pg. 77, Fibroadenoma Breast, Third Line Medicines
Carcinosinum (spelling correction) [Note: also known as Carcinosin.]
pg. 78, Frozen Shoulder, First Line and Second Line Medicines
Hypericum (two spelling corrections; not Flypericum)
pg. 81, under GI Diseases, second paragraph
H. pylori (spelling correction)
pg. 91, Leg Ulcer…, Second Line Medicines
Carduus Marianus (spelling correction)
pg. 99, Osteomyelitis, First Line Medicines
This is shown correctly in my copy, but there may be earlier versions where this is incorrect. So check yours—
With discharging sinus, Hypericum 200C + Arsenicum Album 200C (not 3) two doses daily.
pg. 100, top section, Second Line Medicines
add below Ruta Grav and Calc Fluor the same 3rd bullet point as found under the First Line Medicines:
•Hypericum Perforatum 200C, one dose every hour (SOS) for pain, if any.
pg. 101, Paralysis, First Line Medicines
VERY IMPORTANT! (See note at top of page.)
Change Aconitum Napelles Q to Aconitum Napelles 200C, two doses daily
pg. 107 under Premenstrual Tension Syndrome, Third Line Medicines
change Stramonium 6C (or 200C) (not θ, aka Mother Tincture)
*This edit was added on 9/29/24 when writing Banerji Book Corrections Part 2.
pg. 108, Pyogenic Hepatic Abscess…, First Line Medicines
add after Carduus Marianus Q, one dose every 3 hours alternately.
pg. 118, Spinal Tumors…, First Line Medicines
Carcinosinum (spelling correction) [Note: also known as Carcinosin.]
pg. 119, Systemic Lupus, second sentence of paragraph
predominately (spelling correction)
pg. 120, Thalassemias, First Line Medicines
Natrum Muriaticum (spelling correction)
pg. 135, First Line Medicines
VERY IMPORTANT! (See note at top of page.)
Change Aconitum Napelles Q to Aconitum Napelles 200C, two doses daily
pg. 135, Second Line Medicines
combine bullet points one and two to read the same as under the First line Medicines:
Lycopodium Clavatum 30C (drop dose), and Cantharis 200C, every three hours alternately.
pg. 135, also under Second Line Medicines
VERY IMPORTANT! (See note at top of page.)
Change Aconitum Napelles Q to Aconitum Napelles 200C, two doses daily
pg. 139, top of page, item 2.,
VERY IMPORTANT! (See note at top of page.)
Change Aconitum Napelles Q to Aconitum Napelles 200C, two doses daily
pg. 139, first paragraph, first sentence
constantly (spelling correction)
pg. 141, last sentence on page
at the rate of 1/4 the doses every month (correction)
FINAL NOTE- Depending on when you purchased your edition of the Banerji Protocols book, you may have very different typos and errors in your copy. Also see Part 2 that I wrote here for updated information on the book corrections.
If you know of any other important corrections, or have questions, I’ll leave this one article open for comments by all. Thanks for reading and subscribing!
The following is the DISCLAIMER for the Banerji Protocol book and applies to all information I am sharing with you on this page and via this Substack as well.
1- The contents of the book are for general information only and provided on the understanding that the author is not rendering any medical advice to the reader and the same are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for any professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment for any specific condition.
2- The information herein is not suitable for unsupervised use by laymen and is not intended to substitute consultations with experts. Readers are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this book with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with a physician. Do not disregard medical advice or delay in seeking medical advice or treatment due to any information provided in the book.
3- The efficacy of the Line of Medicine is dependent on correct diagnosis, correct administration and other individual factors including the existence of other ailments, constitution and other individual conditions of the patient.
4- The information provided in this book is not intended to create any physician patient relationship or substitute or replace any personal medical examination or consultation with an expert.
5- The author disclaims all liability for any loss of risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this book.
6- Sale of this book is not to be implied as an express or implied license to use the Banerji Protocols or to provide any advice or render professional service on such basis.
In case it helps anyone I have a used copy that says © 2013 Reprinted on 2017 with a stamp that says For Sale inIndia Only upside down under the hologram. It had the Aconitum MT error in all the same places and the errors on pages 67, 69, 75, 77, 100 & 135. Everything else in the list was right in the book.
Where you have made changes to Aconitum Napellus Q the online site has not. It states the potency of remedies but where Aconite is mentioned specifically in your corrections it is written Aconitum Napellus Tincture, so you've no idea in that case what you are getting?