Where you have made changes to Aconitum Napellus Q the online site has not. It states the potency of remedies but where Aconite is mentioned specifically in your corrections it is written Aconitum Napellus Tincture, so you've no idea in that case what you are getting?
Sorry, not sure exactly what you mean? Mother tincture of Aconitum is not a good idea. The Banerjis used it in India, but they were the doctors with their own pharmacy. The MT is the gross form, not potentized. My edits to this come from my teacher who trained with the Banerjis and brought all of this to the US. She had us change it to Aconitum 200, and now, after years of using it this way, I find it to be very effective. I have never used Aconitum Mother Tincture and would not.
Sorry Emily, when you go into the site that you mentioned to order the remedies Aconitum Tincture is there in some of the protocols of a particular disease you're looking up. Whereas the other remedies are all potentised. I've emailed the company and have asked for clarification. The way they have it set up is you can purchase each remedy your require for whichever protocol you are using or made up in one vial. The individual remedy in a few cases was Aconitum Q with no other info. I'll see what comes back from them
Thankyou Emily, have just done the corrections. Page 53, second line medicines, does the conium maculatum 1000c remain the same or change as in first line?
The second line is correct with the Conium 1000C (1M). You'll see that in other protocosl too-- if the 3C doesn't act over time (months), sometimes line 2 includes the 1M less frequently.
OUTRAGEOUS re Acon. Q! To quote Dr. T. Allen ''sound editing provides verified references that remove misconceptions and render a homoeopathic medicine available for use in practice stating that, as errors always creep in, the editor’s role to verify is paramount because authors are prone to their own interpretations.'' (1) Clearly these entire 'protocols' are a case in point... good on you for attempting to bring this incredibly dangerous (aka deadly) error, and the many, many others, to light! (1) Allen, T. The Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica. A record of the positive effects of drugs upon the healthy human organism. Vol. I. pp vii-6th Ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers; 2011. (Originally published in 1874)
In case it helps anyone I have a used copy that says © 2013 Reprinted on 2017 with a stamp that says For Sale inIndia Only upside down under the hologram. It had the Aconitum MT error in all the same places and the errors on pages 67, 69, 75, 77, 100 & 135. Everything else in the list was right in the book.
Where you have made changes to Aconitum Napellus Q the online site has not. It states the potency of remedies but where Aconite is mentioned specifically in your corrections it is written Aconitum Napellus Tincture, so you've no idea in that case what you are getting?
Sorry, not sure exactly what you mean? Mother tincture of Aconitum is not a good idea. The Banerjis used it in India, but they were the doctors with their own pharmacy. The MT is the gross form, not potentized. My edits to this come from my teacher who trained with the Banerjis and brought all of this to the US. She had us change it to Aconitum 200, and now, after years of using it this way, I find it to be very effective. I have never used Aconitum Mother Tincture and would not.
Sorry Emily, when you go into the site that you mentioned to order the remedies Aconitum Tincture is there in some of the protocols of a particular disease you're looking up. Whereas the other remedies are all potentised. I've emailed the company and have asked for clarification. The way they have it set up is you can purchase each remedy your require for whichever protocol you are using or made up in one vial. The individual remedy in a few cases was Aconitum Q with no other info. I'll see what comes back from them
Which company are you referring to?
Maybe this helps-- Aconitum Q = the Mother Tincture = Aconitum in gross herbal form-- which we always change to Aconitum 200 (potenized) for safety.
Thankyou Emily, have just done the corrections. Page 53, second line medicines, does the conium maculatum 1000c remain the same or change as in first line?
Hi Roma,
The second line is correct with the Conium 1000C (1M). You'll see that in other protocosl too-- if the 3C doesn't act over time (months), sometimes line 2 includes the 1M less frequently.
Thanks Emly
Also while looking up something, page 139, fourth sentence, Glonoine 39C should be 30C
Yes, thanks! I have that error in mine too, but forgot to include it above.
And Glonoinum is the same thing, for anyone wondering.
OUTRAGEOUS re Acon. Q! To quote Dr. T. Allen ''sound editing provides verified references that remove misconceptions and render a homoeopathic medicine available for use in practice stating that, as errors always creep in, the editor’s role to verify is paramount because authors are prone to their own interpretations.'' (1) Clearly these entire 'protocols' are a case in point... good on you for attempting to bring this incredibly dangerous (aka deadly) error, and the many, many others, to light! (1) Allen, T. The Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica. A record of the positive effects of drugs upon the healthy human organism. Vol. I. pp vii-6th Ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers; 2011. (Originally published in 1874)