Thanks for this. In the YouTube video I watched the homeopath basically succussed the bottle so I did the same. I tried it with a couple remedies I can feel working and my results were mixed. Since changing just that I've had much better results.

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Hi Andy, I used to succuss everything myself, but the Banerjis don't. So I stopped doing so and continued to have good results. (Plus it makes it a lot easier with clients, as that

is one more 'wacky' thing to explain to people who are often new to this method.) Part of the reason the Banerjis didn't do this is that they wanted to know what the potency was for clinical use. Succussing changes the potency, but we don't know precisely how much. However, Hahnemann with the LM/Q potencies from the Organon 6th edition, DID succuss. I have tried everything and always come back to the method shared. However, as I always say, DO WHAT WORKS for you! :) So glad you are getting results with your homeopathy!!

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