We can’t continue with the Getting Started with Homeopathy series until we cover a few more basics. So, as much as I want to start writing about homeopathy cases and interesting experiential stories— especially related to complex cases (which I get a lot of)— I need to establish more basics and to be able to link back to these articles both for new readers and for my clients.
Now, let’s skip all the myths and mystery surrounding homeopathy and cut to the real, daily, practical use. I am constantly experimenting on myself, with my animals, and on loved ones, and am daily learning from working with clients. I am only interested in what works, and in making this as easy and effective to use, for everyone, as possible.
Homeopathy has the ability to replace, right now, modern pharmaceuticals. But the only way we get even close to that is by weeding out all the myths and voodoo that creeps in. And the way to do that is by taking the original scientific principles and practices from Samual Hahnemann, and by integrating the clinical experience of the Banerjis (and others), and then by practicing homeopathy and continuing to learn and experiment in the real world.
My goal with this Substack is to share what I have come to— from years of experience, tends of thousands of dollars spent on education, and countless hours sorting through and trying out the various techniques and opinions— so that you don’t have to do all that.
My goodness, I spent some sleepless nights in the beginning! And I hope to now be able to relay my PROFOUND confidence in homeopathy as a system of medicine to you, my dear reader, so that you can stop stressing and suffering and also come to use and trust these beautiful medicines.
[Ironically, most of us didn’t give a second thought to what the doctors gave us for years— to the antibiotics or the steroids or myriad other drugs that have actual side effects and long term issues (whereas homeopathy does not).]
Homeopathy is so much simpler and kinder and more flexible than most people realize. It is not elitist. It is the people’s medicine!
Homeopathy, in its original form, is truly scientific. Truly scientific, in the manner of open-minded experimentation, direct observation, testable theories, and predicable results.
However, even in the world of homeopathy today, there are those who will make it all seem complex, or warn that you will screw up and cause long-term problems if not careful, and there are also those who make it seem esoteric by calling it energy medicine (well, all medicine is energy medicine in the truest sense), and on and on.
Homeopathy is medicine. We don’t take a remedy ‘just because’, like we might pop a vitamin. There is definitely some thought that must go into what we take— and we only take medicine until very much better, or until we determine it isn’t acting, or until we need to pivot or adjust to match what’s happening now. There is learning involved, but if you take the direct path, your learning can be SO much shorter than my path was!
So, today, let’s demystify administering homeopathic remedies a bit.
Below I share what I do and what works, my goal always being to make this seemingly miraculous system of medicine as easy-to-use and approachable as possible.
(We don’t need to dive into the WHYs at this point— let’s just talk HOW to do it.)
With these simple methods, more and more people can help themselves and their loved ones to heal naturally, safely and inexpensively.
First an overview and then I’ll get into what I do in practice.
This is a long post. It is a RESOURCE for you.
Remember, you can search any page (or most any digital file) with Command+F (apple) or Control+F (pc). Then enter a search word in the box that pops up.
Homeopathic medicines come in a variety of forms:
#1. Dry Dosing (Taking Pills/Pellets/Pillules)
Most homeopathic pharmacies call for between 3 and 5 pillules per dose.
When in doubt use what the manufacturer calls for. If the bottle doesn’t say, look it up on their website.
Ideally the pellets are taken under the tongue, with a relatively clean mouth, and let dissolved a bit before swallowing— but in reality kids munch them like candy, pets eat them in food, and some people slip the remedies into coffee or soup for their loved ones to consume. (And in all cases they have still been shown to act.)
The idea is to get the medicine that is on the pills in contact with the mucous membranes. (It’s not about the stomach.)
There are two main sizes of pills: No. 6 and No. 3
Sometimes you have a choice, sometimes you don’t.
No. 6 is pretty much the ‘standard size’. It’s the size of the Boiron pills in the blue tubes.
No. 3 are often referred to as ‘poppy seed’ size.
(Again, check the pharmacy for how many to take. Or see below for what I do.)
#2. Tablets and Other Forms
Generally a dose is one tab, but check the manufacturer.
#3. Liquid Remedies
You can think of each drop like a liquid pill. So generally 3-5 drops equals a dose.
Note that the liquid medicines based in alcohol do taste bad and can burn the mouth. So it is recommended put the drops in a tablespoon or shot of water to make it go down easily.
#4. Mother Tinctures
Symbols used: MT, Q, Ø, ϴ
Generally we take 5-20 drops in water. (Or refer to the instructions on the bottle.)
Reminder: Mother tinctures are the gross form of plant tinctures. Gross means crude form; like when you make an herbal tincture by putting the leaves in alcohol, letting them stew for a while, and then using the liquid that is strained off. (Also like buying a tincture of, say, Cat’s Claw, to take as an herbal supplement.)
Essentially, the first step in making a homeopathic medicine from a plant would be to have a pure mother tincture. Then this base would be systematically diluted and potentized to attain different homeopathic potencies.
Mother tinctures are still very specifically manufactured according to the HPUS and FDA guidelines, so I do recommend getting mother tinctures from a homeopathic pharmacy, if possible, for consistency of product. (But, yes, you could use homemade, in a pinch!)
However, many homeopathic remedies will NOT be available in mother tincture. You do not want to take Arsenic, Mercury, Belladonna, Aconitum or many of our most important medicines in crude form. (Duh!)
But once potentized, these substances lend their elevated healing abilities without toxic repercussions.
A few examples of mother tinctures used in the Banerji Protocols:
•Crataegus Oxycantha (Hawthorne)— excellent for heart and blood pressure issues
•Hydrastis Canadensis (Goldenseal)— found in many of the protocols for liver, tumors etc
•Carduus Marianus (Milk Thistle)— found in many gallbladder and pancreas protocols
Reminder! Never use Aconitum in Mother Tincture form. See here for corrections to the Banerji Protocols book.
Whatever you put in your mouth at one time is considered a dose.
Whether 3 pills or a whole tube of pellets, that is still considered just one dose.
So… if your kid, or dog, gets into your remedies and eats a whole bottle (yum, sugar pills!), you don’t have to worry or rush them off to the ER, it’s just one dose.
(And you can always antidote the remedies, particularly with a dose or two of Camphora 200. More on antidoting in the future.)
It may be helpful to remember that there has never been a reported death from taking homeopathy.
(In actual practice, more pills may lead to a stronger action. I won’t claim that one pill versus 80 has zero difference. But accidentally taking too much one time is not going to cause any real concern or lasting problems. Now, if you did this day after day, you could end up with unpleasant effects, for sure— but in that case the solution would be to stop taking them!)
I find that what the pharmacies recommend is typically more pills than is actually needed.
I use three No. 6 size pills as a dose.
This is the standard size pillule in the blue Boiron tubes. I have done this for years and it has always acted.
(I’m not telling you what to do, just what I do. Please, when in doubt just go with what the manufacturer says. If you are ever worrying about what to do, look for the path that feels less stressful and go with that.)
I also know of practitioners who use ONE pill for a dose, but in my mind there is a risk in doing that…
Each pharmacy makes the remedies differently. The little sugar pills are just the base, or the carrier, to which the liquid medicine is applied. Did the company spray the pills as a group? Or did they saturate each pill individually?
Boiron says they recommend a dose of 5 pills because they guarantee that at least 25% of the pills will be medicated.
Other companies claim each and every pill is fully medicated, so one pill would be enough.
In order to create a rule of thumb that doesn’t require that my clients have to remember too many details— I generally stick with 3 PILLS.
(I don’t recommend just one pill, because what if that one wasn’t medicated?— then we’d be thinking the medicine didn’t act and it would confuse the whole process.)
When using the No. 3 ‘poppy size’ pills, I use 4-5 per dose.
(I, personally, love the poppy size as you get a whole lot more in the bottle. And although the manufacturers will say to use more pills, I have found 4-5 to always act, and to be very economical.)
First off, let me say that this is the main area where I diverge from my teacher and my Practical Homeopathy training. Joette Calabrese does not teach the wet dose method. She recommends following the Banerji Protocols exactly as indicated, and often preaches to buy from and support the Homeopathic Pharmacies as much as possible.
In answer to that, I will say that—
I find the wet dose method to be imminently practical. Including when following the Banerji Protocols.
I prefer to be able to buy a much wider variety of homeopathic medicines from the pharmacies, instead of just the same ones week after week. This also keeps the pharmacies making the more rare medicines, which I think is of great benefit as well.
Using the Banerji Protocol methods often includes taking remedies day after day. This means that we go through our supply quite quickly. Even at only three pills a dose, taken twice a day one Boiron tube (of 80 pills) will last only two weeks. (Using the wet does method, one tube lasts about a year!)
That’s why I gradually moved to the wet dosing method. And now, having tested it extensively, I use it exclusively for my family and all my clients. If someone prefers the dry dosing of pills, go for it. I have one client currently who does that, and has the budget to not give it a second thought. But I also have plenty of people that I work with who seriously have to watch their money, and the wet dose method makes a huge difference to their ability to stick with homeopathy through the healing process.
A wet dose is three pills dissolved in 1-2 ounces of water. That is my method.
I like to use dropper bottles. In which case a dose is a dropper (or squirt) in the mouth. (The droppers rarely fill all the way, and about 1/2 a dropper is enough!)
You can also use a regular bottle or jar, or even a glass of water, and take a very small sip or spoonful as a dose.
You only really need about 1/4-1/2 tsp on the mucous membranes.
I have friends who like to use spray bottles, and this works great too. Just spritz 4-5 times directly under the tongue or on the gums.
The wet dose method is a super easy way to give remedies to anyone, including animals, and babies, and elderly people whose hands can’t manage the tubes and pills.
(And if you can’t get it in their mouth, you can apply to the inside of animal ears, or even a spray on the nose.)
In summary, here’s what I do (and I have my clients do) and have done now for years:
Place one dose (generally 3 pills, 3-5 drops or 1 tablet) in 1-2 ounces of water and let it dissolve.
Then one dose is a dropper in the mouth.
That’s all there is to it.
This might sound a bit crazy, like it’s going to be so diluted that it couldn’t possibly work. But what you are doing is putting the homeopathic dose in the water and then the whole amount of water becomes one equal dose. So every small increment (a dropper, a sip) is its own equally medicated portion.
I works beautifully.
And it’s much more cost effective.
All upside, and no downside that I have ever found.
(Another benefit is a lot less sugar per dose.)
I use this same method no matter the pharmacy or form:
If a liquid remedy, I put 3-5 drops in a 1 or 2 ounce bottle of water. (I give a range because a lot of times the drops slip by a little quickly, and I don’t want anyone to stress about it.)
If tablet form (like the Boiron combination remedies that come in a box), I put one tablet in a 1-2 ounce dropper bottle.
Note: This wet dose method does NOT work for Mother Tinctures, as explained above. If you put 5 drops in a bottle of water you WILL just have a very diluted herbal tincture. With mother tinctures you must take the 5-10 drops every single time you dose.
So, WHAT I DO is purchase these remedies as a 3X potency instead of as Mother Tincture, if possible. (The 3X can be in pellet or liquid form, either is fine.)
3X is generally the least diluted and potentized option from the homeopathic pharmacies— so it’s as close to a mother tincture as possible, but it is now in a form that we can use as a wet dose!
Then just like any other homeopathic medicine, I put 3 pills or 3-5 drops of a 3X remedy in 1-2 ounces of water. And one squirt equals a dose.
In the 3X form the base remedy also lasts, essentially, forever. (Whereas mother tinctures do have a shelf life.)
The 3X form is very effective. (I have had reports from clients of enhanced benefit when we switched from mother tincture to 3X.)
And the 3X is easier and more cost effective to use in the wet dose form. (Same as with any other remedy, you make up a wet dose bottle, versus having to take 5-10 drops every time.)
Other Notes On Wet Dosing
I plan to do a very complete post on wet dosing at a future point. I know there are lots of questions about different size bottles, how to store them, how to make them last longer, cleaning the bottles, combining medicines, and more.
But for now, I’ll tell you I use reverse osmosis water and I keep the bottles on the counter here in Colorado and they last a long time. It depends on the remedy, but a wet dose could last for months before getting funky. I’ve even checked bottles after a year and they were fine.
I tell my clients to use the purest water they have easy access to.
If a bottle gets funky, just clean it out well and start over. Typically I do a little hydrogen peroxide soak and then run the bottles through the dishwasher with the dropper parts in the silverware section. Let them dry completely before recapping.
In my experience, Hyland’s (lactose) remedies are the most likely to get fermented or go bad in some way (brown filaments, slimy water etc). You can add a little pure alcohol (such as 3-5 drops of grain alcohol, or vodka, or brandy, or even tequila, as one of my clients prefers!) to the wet dose bottle to help prevent this from happening.
You can also keep the bottles in the refrigerator. Some people do. I never have. I prefer to keep them where I can see them in order remember to give everyone their doses at the right times.
And, yes, I do often combine medicines in one bottle for ease. (Much more on this in the future.)
If I’m going to use bottles that are 4 ounces or larger, I will use more pills. Joe De Livera also recommends the wet dose method and he does 10 pills in 500ml of water. So, yes, this can be scaled up, if needed.
I have heard people claim that the wet doses don’t stay medicated for very long. I do not find this to be true. I have grabbed old mixes off the counter to use after many, many months of sitting there untouched, and they still acted.
Of course, it would be very cool to do a study comparing dry dosing to wet dosing. Without the resources to do that, I do have many cases and personal experiences using both. I can’t see that anything is lost in the wet dose. If there is any minor decrease in functionality, it is very minor, and more than made up for by ease and affordability, in my opinion.
However, as my teacher always says, if you have a ‘sobering condition’ (and I will add if you have any doubts that are going to keep you from feeling confident and peaceful), then just go with what you trust and, if there is one, just use the exact protocol(s) from the Banerjis.
Even if you do have to pay for many tubes of pillules, in the grand scheme of things it is still a lot less expensive than most pharmaceuticals, and you will not be going down the road of suppression of disease and even more serious conditions that arise later. (Which is priceless!)
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Dosing Homeopathy:
The potency is the potency.
6C is 6C no matter how many pills are taken.
5 pills taken of 6C is still 6C. 30 pills taken of 6C is still 6C. 6C in water is still 6C.
This is true of every potency from 1X to 100M (or CM).
6C is not the same as 6X.
If X is specified then be sure to get that.
(X is to the 10th. C is to the 100th. This is shorthand for the dilution and potentization.)
You may need to brush up on your roman numerals!
X=10 / C=100 / M=1000
(Note: LM potencies are something different and are not roman numerals.)
C or CK or CH are basically interchangeable. You can read up on the differences, which are small variations in how they are prepared. However, in practice, you won’t be able to tell the difference between a 200C and a 200CK.
What if I can’t get the exact potency, say I only have 30 and not 200?
Potency matters. You may use what you’ve got until you can get what you need.
But if you have a ‘sobering condition’, or aren’t getting results, be sure to follow ‘the recipe’ exactly.
Do I have to avoid eating around taking the medicines?
Generally, we aim to have a clean mouth when the remedies are taken. A lot of fuss is made in the homeopathic world about no food within 15-20+ minutes, but the only reason for that is contact with mucous membranes.
In practice, I give my husband doses between bites of breakfast when he’s busy. I have put it in family member’s food to get it in them. I have put it in pet food. And it still acts.
And here’s a very important difference between the Classical method of giving only one (or a few) doses of a remedy, and the Banerji Protocol method of repeating doses: Because the doses are repeated— even if one dose isn’t optimal— it’s not that important because another is coming soon.
Should I take the remedies on an empty stomach?
What’s in your stomach makes no difference. The remedies will enter via the mucous membranes in your mouth.
Spacing between different remedies?
Many will say wait 5-20 minutes between taking different homeopathic remedies. You are welcome to do that. But in actual practice, people take them back to back and everything works just fine.
My husband just goes down the line one after another to take his daily remedies. And yes they still act.
I even combine remedies in wet dose bottles for ease of administration.
Spacing between doses?
If a protocol calls for twice a day, we aim for approximately 12 hours apart, morning and night.
But if your day is crunched up, it’s fine to take them, say, 8 hours apart that day.
What if I miss a dose? Or forget to take them for a bit?
Just pick up on your next dose and carry on.
What if I stop taking the remedies all of a sudden?
No problem, there won’t be withdrawals or anything along those lines. Use it as a chance to see where your conditions stand without the remedies. If they start to come back, or remain unchanged, then you may know you need to resume.
Sometimes, after taking the medicines for a while, people forget to take them for a stretch and then find they don’t need them anymore. This can be a subtle way to naturally discover that you are done with them, at least for the time being. Remember, the idea is to uproot the condition!
Combining remedies?
For example, if a Banerji Protocol calls for Hypericum + Arsenicum (this combo is known as HyperArs for short), then the two medicines are taken together in the mouth at the same time. They can also be combined in a wet dose bottle together.
What about avoiding coffee, mint etc? Will they antidote the medicines?
Whatever you do daily, consider that your system is used to it, and therefore it should not cause any interference. If you drink coffee every day, don’t give it a second thought. If you use mint toothpaste every day, don’t worry about it. Generally, it has to be something strong and shocking to affect the system.
(As mentioned above, when we are repeating the remedies daily this matters a whole lot less. If you are only taking one dose, and then waiting weeks or months, then you may have to be very careful to avoid anything antidoting your ‘one shot’, so to speak.)
Can I touch the pills?
Yes, but generally we try not to handle the pills. That’s why the Boiron twist caps are so great. The pills fall into the cap, which then acts like a little cup.
However, if you have to pick up a pill, or tip them into your hand for some reason, don’t stress. Just don’t rub the pellets or handle them a lot. (As mentioned above, most of the time the homeopathic medicine is added to the sugar pills, so we don’t want to affect the medicated part.)
Just take care when handling them, but don’t get all crazy about it.
What about aggravations and provings?
I will have much more to write on this in the future.
Aggravations are rare with the Banerji Protocols. Why? Because the doses are repeated. (One way to deal with an aggravation is to take the medicine again!) So, this is built into the Banerji Protocols and we rarely see aggravations using the protocol methods.
Provings are pretty cool, actually. A proving is a built-in mechanism that tells you are done with a medicine— or that you are taking the wrong one. In this case you get a new symptom. But when you stop taking the remedy that is causing the proving the symptoms should go away in a day or two. For instance, I took Rhus Tox longer than needed (until I got a proving) which resulted in a canker sore under my tongue. I have never had a real canker sore, least of all under my tongue, and knew something was going on. When I stopped taking Rhus Tox it went away completely within a couple of days as if it was never there. (And, yes, in the future I have needed Rhus Tox again and it acted well with no issues. It was only AT THAT TIME that I was done with it.)
You can always speed the clearing of a remedy by taking Camphora 200. Often just one dose. Camphora is considered the universal antidote in homeopathy. (Some also claim you can antidote homeopathic medicines with deep and strong inhalations of essentials oils such as mint, camphor, etc. I have not yet used this method myself, so can only share that some claim this works.)
Do I have to succuss the remedies?
This is not a factor at all with the Banerji Protocols. It is never even discussed. I do not succuss anymore. It’s just one more thing to tell clients and people, it doesn’t make any notable difference, and creates a bit of a voodoo vibe. (Others swear by it, but I am only interested in what is verifiably useful.)
What you primarily need is the right medicines, because that’s what this is, medicine!
Can I overdose?
As discussed above, a dose is a dose. Whatever you can fit in your mouth at one time is a dose. As far as I know no one has ever overdosed on properly prepared homeopathic medicines.
If you take something well past when you still need it, you may experience a proving, but again this just means that you’ve gone too far (or that it’s no longer the right medicine, even if it was once upon a time). So just stop taking it. If you stop the medicines and the problem persists, it’s NOT the homeopathy and it’s time to consider what else might be a cause, including the natural progression of the illness.
What about the expiration dates on homeopathic medicines?
As long as they are stored reasonably well, they will last a very, very long time. The expiration date is required by the FDA, but I disregard this entirely. There have been remedies that are hundreds of years only that still acted.
What about exposure to radiation, heat etc?
Lots of myths here:
Boiron did a study on the amount of radiation is took to deactivate homeopathic medicines. They found it was an amount that would kill a human. So the airport x-rays and your electronic devices are really a non-issue. You can buy faraday/EMF cases if you want to… but I save my money to buy more remedies!
Also, the level of heat that it took to deactivate a homeopathic medicine was beyond what any human could tolerate. Even a baking hot car in the Tucson summer probably wouldn’t deactivate your remedies. Some have had homeopathy tubes go through the washer AND dryer and the medicine still acted. (When in doubt, label the questionable tube and if it doesn’t seem to act, try a fresh tube to compare before abandoning that medicine.)
A good rule of thumb is, if YOU can handle it (the radiation, the heat, being by your computer), then the homeopathic remedy should be fine.
Can I combine the remedies?
I will write much more on this in the future.
The short answer is yes. I do this often.
HOWEVER, I know my medicines really well.
If something pops up (like a proving symptom) I can generally quite quickly figure out which remedy is doing it. If you don’t know your medicines, it may become overwhelming trying to sort out what is what. (In which case you can always stop them all and add back one at a time.)
The main reason not to do this is the confusion factor. So you need to know yourself and what you can handle. Keeping them separate allows for greater flexibility.
I have allergies; what kind of sugar is in the pills?
As of this writing—
Boiron— Their sucrose is derived from beet or cane sugar.
Helios— Lactose-free and made from non-GMO cane sugar.
Hyland’s— Generally lactose. (Or may be Lactose NF, which is a sugar derived from milk which is free of any milk proteins (whey or casein).)
Washington Homeopathics— Sucrose (cane sugar) 80% and Lactose (milk sugar) 20%.
OHM Pharma— Non-GMO organic beet sugar.
Ollois— Organic beet sucrose exclusively grown in Europe.
If this is a major concern for you, consider buying the remedies in liquid (alcohol) form. They will be sugar-free.
When in doubt, the pharmacies should publish the type of sugar used. Feel free to contact them directly as well.
I can’t have alcohol, what should I do?
Just don’t use remedies in liquid form with alcohol. You can dry dose the pellets or use the wet dose method which is only in water.
Will I have to take homeopathy forever?
Definitely not. These are not supplements, these are medicines. Depending on the condition you may only take them for a days, or for a couple of years. Typically acute conditions will resolve much more quickly (say, within a week or two) but well-entrenched chronic conditions may take a long time.
Does homeopathy conflict with my medications?
The rule of thumb is no. I have never seen it and neither has anyone I know.
The complications arise from taking multiple modalities at the same time, which may make it harder to determine what is helping or not.
What we generally recommend it to continue taking your pharmaceuticals while taking the homeopathy. And what we hope will happen (and frequently does happen) is that the drug will become superfluous (no longer needed) because the homeopathy has been uprooting the underlying condition.
This may be seamless. (I have helped people wean off antidepressants this way with zero problems.)
Or it may be a step-by-step process. One example is treating thyroid conditions. What can happen is that as the thyroid heals, the thyroid medicine becomes too much (resulting in a racing heart, for example) and so it must be decreased in stages until it can be stopped altogether. In cases like this be sure to take advantage the diagnostics of your doctor. (But do note that the thyroid numbers often lag the physical experience— by months even— of feeling like less medication needed.)
Should I check with my doctor?
Of course I am supposed to say always check with your doctor about everything! But this is a tricky one. It depends on the relationship you have with your doctor and their understanding of homeopathy. If you ask your average doctor about homeopathy you may get anything from outright hostility, to confusion due to their ignorance, or they may try to scare you that something is dangerous when it absolutely is not.
Occasionally I hear of someone telling their doctor what they are doing, and at best the doctor will say, ‘well, keep doing whatever you are doing, it’s working.’ But few and far between will express interest. So I wouldn’t get my hopes up that you are going to convert them. Not many are going to go against the system that they are a part of.
The AMA (American Medical Association) did their best to kill homeopathy off in the earlier 1900s. They nearly succeeded. At the time they had very severe penalties for any AMA doctor who even casually socialized with a homeopath. This was not for the public good, and had much more to do with their own pocketbooks. Even today you will find that most medical doctors ‘toe the line’.
What conditions can homeopathy treat?
See my full index of the Banerji Protocols for an example of the conditions they treated and uprooted in their clinics.
Really there is no condition that can’t be touched by homeopathy.
Can every case be ‘cured’? No. Particularly because so many discover homeopathy at the tail end of their search (often decades). They may even be on their deathbed.
And, although sometimes homeopathy does seem to work miracles, in other cases there just isn’t the time or there are obstacles to successful treatment (say a smoker who won’t stop).
The saying is that homeopathy can treat any condition but can’t necessarily cure every person.
Where should I buy homeopathic remedies?
I shared some resources here.
You may also be able to get some remedies locally. Most health food stores have at least a limited selection. Walmart and other stores have some too.
However, the best selection is online. Amazon has a lot available with fast shipping (depending on where you live).
And the VERY best is to already own what you need when you need it.
Thank you for reading and subscribing. Find the full Homeopathy Rising archive here. Much more to come in future posts!