‘The Banerji Protocols are a new system of Medicine, in which Specific Homeopathic Medicines are prescribed for Specific Diagnosis of Disease without considering the individual person.’
‘The use of specific medicines in specific potencies, in fixed dosage patterns eliminates the necessity for any guesswork on the part of novice practitioners, and is always a tremendous help for even seasoned doctors. Our approach is more diagnostic than individualistic, i.e. more objective than subjective. These protocols are easy to learn, and since the focus is on the diagnostic approach the case-taking time is shortened. That is why it is easy to disseminate to medical students and the general public. In a short time, more patients can be treated. Consequently, it also makes the treatment affordable for the weaker sections of society, making it the ‘people’s medicine’. For any scientific medical system, it is a rule that interventions should be repeated with almost the same results— meaning a treatment should have replicability— and the Banerji Protocols fulfill this criteria.’
— Quotes from ‘The Banerji Protocols, A New Method of Treatment with Homeopathic Medicines’, by Prasanta Banerji and Pratip Banerji.
A notable aspect of the Banerji Protocols— in addition to the quotes above— is they do not rely on the Law of Similars.
Yes, on the one hand, the Law of Similars is the basis of homeopathy. However, as most homeopaths continued to search for the ‘simillimum’ in each and every case, the Banerjis— through years of clinical practice— developed a ‘this for that’ approach that looks at the diagnosis over the individual specifics.
As in, what is this medicine used for?— instead of matching every symptom.
Their approach is detailed in the introduction to their book where they contrast Classical Homeopathy with the Banerji Protocols.
[If you aren’t familiar with Classical Homeopathy, don’t worry about it. These references are for the many who started their education in that vein and now are interested in considering a new paradigm. If you are simply new to homeopathy, good for you! This is a great place to start and will save you a lot of headaches and struggles.]
Back when ‘Grandfather Banerji’ began to see patients, he would have originally been using more of what we would call ‘Classical’ methods, and thus focusing on the Law of Similars. But, out of necessity, in order to meet the needs of so many people, more efficient and effective methods had to be developed.
Interestingly, this can be compared to the last phase of Samuel Hahnemann’s life (the founder of homeopathy), when he was living in Paris in the 1830s and would daily face a line-up of patients.
It is clear from his journals, that during that time he too could not possibly have spent hours on each case (a la Classical Homeopathy). No, he would have had to work much more efficiently, and would have also come to the necessity of using ‘this for that’ in many instances.Â
It’s only logical really. If you are seeing patient and after patient with head injuries, and you know Arnica worked well in the past for many of them, then you will likely start there for a new and similar case. (Even Classical homeopaths ‘know’ Arnica is a top pick for head injuries.)
This is the power of clinical experience.
It is said that the Drs Banerjis claimed they were more Hahnemannian than the Classical Homeopaths!
And, now having read The Organon, Hahnemann’s Magnum Opus, plus a variety of translations and additional background information, it is clear to me that Hahnemann would have fully supported the Banerjis ground-breaking work.
The Banerjis evolved Homeopathy in a completely scientific manner, and have taken much of the confusion and mystery out of it.
To be clear— and this may be hard for those of you who began with different training in homeopathy— you don’t have to dissect the Banerji Protocols. If you have a clear diagnosis, the work has already been done for you.Â
Actually, the protocols will be very logical to anyone who has some knowledge of homeopathy:
You will find the repeated use of remedies that are suited to particular organs— such as Lycopodium in kidney and liver diseases.
You will find remedies that make sense for certain types of diseases show up again and again— such as Carcinosin and Thuja for many cancers.
You will find many skin issues resolve by using the go-to of Antimonium Crudum 6C or 200C + Arsenicum Album 6C or 200C.
There will also be new ideas to discover and fall in love with:
Such as a Banerji favorite for infections— Hypericum 200C + Arsenicum Album 200C (aka HyperArs) used for dog bites, for skin ulcers, for cellulitis, for post surgery healing, and much more.
But, in some cases, what they use in a protocol will barely even show up in the Repertory and Materia Medica for that particular remedy:
One example is Helonios Dioica 200C for blood sugar problems and diabetes. In the Materia Medica diabetes is only mentioned once in the ‘Clinical’ section under Helonias— and not in bold, and no where else in the entry— yet it is AMAZING in practice!
(This is regardless of age or sex. Although Helonias comes across in the Materia Medica as a particularly female remedy, we just think Helonias for blood sugar issues. Period.)
Another example is Bovista 200C, which is used (generally in conjunction with other remedies) to uproot allergic conditions— from a tendency to anaphylaxis to celiac disease (wheat/gluten allergy).
However, when you read Bovista in the Materia Medica this would likely not end up your top choice for those conditions. Yet people have uprooted longstanding allergic conditions with the ongoing use of this remedy. (Generally taken many, many months until very much better.)
[If you don’t know what a Materia Medica or Repertory is, not to worry! Much more on that to come in Part 3 of Getting Started with Homeopathy.]
As always, I urge you to get the Banerji Protocol books. They offer the complete ‘recipe’ of remedies, potencies, and how often to use them for a wide variety of conditions. Here are the links again to Book 1 and to Book 2.
(It should go without saying that I get nothing from the sale of the books. Though you will gain everything!)
If you haven’t already, check out my last post for more details about Getting Started with the Banerji Protocols.Â
And don’t forget the complete Banerji Protocol Index I created that lists all the published protocols for easy searchability.
For a lovely introduction to the father and son team that was the Doctors Prasanta and Pratip Banerji (pronounced bannerjee).Â
The Drs Banerji were medically trained doctors who exclusively used homeopathy in their clinics. They worked with many of the very poor and also treated kings and queens and heads of state. In his later years, Dr. Prasanta began to collate the clinical information from their vast database to share with other doctors around the world.
Read more about the Banerji Protocols and the Drs Banerji— three generations of true humanitarians who gave their lives in service— in the introduction to their book.
The Cure: The Banerji Protocols (Documentary; 25 minutes)
If you listen closely, you’ll hear them mention remedies from their protocols, some of which have nicknames. One that is mentioned in the video is ‘MercyBell’ which is shorthand for…
Mercurius Cyanatus 200 + Belladonna 3C
….which can be found in Line 2 under Tonsillitis, Peritonsillar Abscess, Septic Tonsillitis on pg. 121 of the Banerji Protocols book. (This may be used in cases of septic tonsils, swollen glands, severe throat pain, sore throat, and is a specific combination for strep throat.)Â
Working with the Banerjis?
For those who may be wondering if you can work directly with the Banerjis: A reminder here that both doctors have passed on.
However, the widow of Dr. Pratip, Rinku Banerji, has instituted the Pratip Banerji Memorial Clinic in Calcutta, India, where she is the Director.
You can reach the clinic via the following contact info. Yes, they take international cases. They specialize in more complex situations, such as cancer. But, remember, these will trained doctors following in the footsteps of the Banerjis, and it will not be working directly with them.
(I don’t know the current rate, but those who looked into it before found it to be very inexpensive to us Westerners. You will, of course, have to order the remedies— in the US or wherever you live— and administer them yourself.)
WhatsApp contact: +91 9830091190Â
(WhatsApp is an app that is heavily used in other countries and is a way to communicate internationally for free.)
Email: PratipBMemorialClinic@gmail.com
You may also utilize WhatsApp through the telephone icon in the lower right of the "Get In Touch" page on their website: pbmhomeoclinic.com
Don’t be surprised if communication is slower than you’d expect in the US. And don’t forget that the time difference between where you are and India may be dramatic.
A reminder that the surname Banerji is very common in India. Listed above is THE current, active option, direct from the source of the Banerji Protocols.
You will find many other homeopaths online with the name Banerji, but these are like finding more Dr. Smiths and are not THE Banerjis we are talking about here.
Your other (excellent) option is Joette Calabrese and her trained Practical Homeopaths. Joette brought the Banerji Protocols to the US and created Practical Homeopathy TM. (I am a graduate of her Academy and each year there will be more and more Practical Homeopaths. You can find a database of registered alumni here.) Â
In case you are wondering, Joette’s homeopathy practice has a waiting list of about 8 months. (And she is not inexpensive!) But many of her graduates are currently practicing and have availability at reasonable rates.
A great bonus of working with those who have been trained in the lineage that descends directly from the Banerjis is that there are actually many more protocols than are published in the two existing books.
(As I’ve mentioned before I have about 400 PDF size pages of protocols from the Academy of Practical Homeopathy. Although quite a few overlap or are variations on what is in the books, there are also MANY that are not published anywhere.)
However, the whole point of this Substack to make it so you can do this yourself. Homeopathy is the people’s medicine. It is inexpensive and effective— with no side effects and no suppressions that later come back to bite you— and you CAN learn to take care of many conditions for yourself, your family, and in your community.
Especially with the foundation of the Banerji Protocols!
(Just know that if you get stuck, there are the above noted resources available to you!)
And always check Joette’s blog for great free content each week. She offers many solutions to acute conditions (as well as some Banerji Protocols) and has for many years. She also offers a variety of courses from entry level to advanced for those interested in learning more about how to use homeopathy.
Next time we will continue with Part 3 of the Getting Started with Homeopathy series— what to do when there isn’t a protocol…
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