I hadn’t planned to post today. Though I do have a line-up of articles planned for you in the coming weeks and for 2025. Apologies for being absent lately! Decembers seem to always be one of my busiest months. And I have continued posting some shorter items in Substack Notes, so I hope you all are seeing those! (I post these shorter notes on X as well, if you prefer that platform.)
At the moment, word on the street is that Whooping Cough is going around. I know quite a few moms (even though I am not one) and they have been sharing a non-homeopathic protocol for whooping cough that I wanted to make sure everyone had access to. In addition there are great homeopathic options for whooping cough. Whether or not you encounter it now, or at some future point, be sure to bookmark this info.
First is a PDF by Dr. Suzanne Humphries with information especially geared towards helping babies safely through whooping cough, without the need for other interventions.
Here is a brief summary of her protocol, but I strongly recommend reading the whole PDF, whether for a baby, child or adult:
Dr. Humphries recommends these two Vitamin C products (you can find them and similar options on Amazon):
• For infants (breastfeeding), the Liv On Lypo-Spheric, 1-3 packets per day. Put some on your finger and rub it on the inside of their cheek. This kind of Vitamin C doesn't give the infants diarrhea (it actually can cause constipation).
• Adults and children (those who eat solid food), dissolve a quarter teaspoon of (non-GMO) Sodium Ascorbate powder in a small amount of water and take it until they have diarrhea. Then they take that amount every day.
Again, read the PDF for MUCH more info, please.
As Suzanne Humphries says, ‘The functions of vitamin C and ascorbate in any toxin-mediated disease (which includes tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, Staph. aureus, Strep. A, meningococcal invasive disease, pneumococcal invasive disease, etc.), are numerous.’
I know a mother whose baby was in the hospital with whooping cough, and she reports that it didn’t turn around until she started the above protocol. This mom also knows about homeopathy but didn’t own any of the most important remedies at the onset, and where she lives can take weeks to get them.
(Own the remedies for when you need them! See below for what to have on hand.)
Before I knew about homeopathy, when I was dealing with chronic mystery ailments, a super clean diet and high amounts of Ascorbic Acid were instrumental in turning my health around. However, not everyone tolerates the ascorbic acid well— the sodium ascorbate is supposed to be gentler. That said, I was able to take virtually unlimited amounts. (My husband would always get rash on his chest before diarrhea.)
And don’t count out homeopathy. Many have had great success with homeopathy for whooping cough, and instead of the ‘100 day cough’, have cut it down to only weeks.
These are the top homeopathic remedies for Whooping Cough:
The Banerjis used: Cuprum Metallicum 200C alternating with Ipecac 30C every two hours to twice a day (This protocol is not found in the books.)
People also have had success with the Cuprum in a 6C or 30C
Another important remedy for whooping in cough is: Drosera 30C or 200C, as needed (see note at end of this article).
(Drosera is a ‘simillimum’ for whooping cough and can be highly effective.)
Kali Carbonicum 200C two to four times a day supports the lungs and can help with some coughs as well. (The Banerjis used Kali Carb in most lung condition protocols.)
Antimonium Tartaricum 30C or 200C two to four times a day. Dorothy Shepherd used this remedy with success for whooping cough.
Pertussinum 200- This is the nosode (aka Whopping Cough in homeopathic form).
If whooping cough was in my area I’d take the Pertussinum 200 at least once a week as a prophylactic. If it was in my house I’d have everyone take it (sick or not) once a day as support— both for those who had it, and as a prophylactic for those who did not.
However, for the actual cough, Cuprum Met, Ipecac and/or Drosera often can be more effective than the nosode.
Joette Calabrese also used Pertussinum alternating with Drosera as a prophylactic. Either for exposure, or if a person feels whooping cough coming on ‘as usual’ in January, then this might head it off.
A tip on terrible hacking, spasmodic coughs in general—
I have learned this through experience and it has helped a lot of people.
When a cough is super racking and intense, like you can’t sleep, can’t get a breath in, it makes you gag, or you wish you didn’t have to breathe at all because the slightest air brings on paroxysms— at these times taking a cough remedy even every hour probably won’t cut it.
Get the homeopathic remedy (or remedies) of choice for your cough prepared in a wet dose bottle. Then, when the coughs begin, take a dose after EVERY SINGLE cough. Back to back. For let’s say ~10 coughs, as a rough guideline. If you find the coughs settle with the remedy you chose, then continue this EVERY TIME the spasmodic coughing returns. I have had this method turn what would have been weeks of no sleep into a few rough days, with each day getting better, and in the end only needing a dose here and there.
For example, Cuprum, Ipecac and/or Drosera might be used this way with whooping cough.
Yes, it’s a lot of doses, but when you need it, you need it. (That is a very important thing to remember with homeopathy.)
If none of the above remedies for whooping cough act for you, you can always go to the repertory, where there are ever more options. Here’s an example of all the homeopathic remedies for whooping cough from Murphy’s Repertory:
Remember that bold and underlined (green) are the tightest fit. Then the bold (red), then italic (blue), then the regular text (black). Notice that Drosera and Pertussinun are the top two (green). Then there are bunch in red, Cuprum and Ant Tart included. Ipecac is blue; however, this was the Banerji’s go-to for coughs— and as I shared recently in a Note— it does not have to fit the person in the Materia Medica for it to be helpful. The Banerjis used clinical experience over the Materia Medica.
Now, if you don’t necessarily have ‘whooping cough’, then you can STILL try the Cuprum and Ipecac (above), and other remedies if they seem to fit. These remedies are great for many coughs in general. Homeopathic remedies are not only ‘for’ whooping cough’, or whatever condition, they are a match to the symptoms.
You can also go to the repertory and look for specific symptoms for YOUR cough— such as cough tickles in larynx, cough worse cold air, and others like that.
The last time I had a horrible cough that was keeping me up all night, I settled on Conium Maculatum 6C alternating with Chamomilla 1M + Coffea 1M. I did as above, alternating these every single cough, and things started to turn around within a day. They were selected from the repertory for my specific cough, after other more common options had failed. (I only tried the very high frequency when I got desperate— as they say… the mother of invention!)
Here’s hoping that this can help you to avoid getting sick, or to help yourself or loved one out of it if you do get whooping cough, or other related conditions.
Merry Christmas and I’ll be writing to you again soon! :)
Until then, just a reminder that I don’t know your situation and am sharing general educational information. It is for you to use common sense and to get the help you need, if and when needed.
I would never have thought of taking the remedy that works after EVERY time I start to cough. I have tried so many remedies for cough when lying down, cough when laughing, or cough in cold air, etc. I remember my father and grandmother having the same issue so this weakness runs in the family. So many good suggestions. Please keep your blogs coming. I am learning so much and taking notes.🤗
So informative! Thank you for posting this in midst of holiday celebrations 😁 I really like your suggestion for taking a wet dose after every coughing spell. Coughs are so difficult and last a long time in my house.