What do you do when you have seen every doctor, tried every drug, removed every yummy food from your diet, and spent a small fortune on supplements, yet that chronic health condition persists— actually, not only persists but continues to worsen, with new issues cropping up as the years roll by, until it feels like you are on an unstoppable slide into the abyss?Â
Dramatic sounding? Maybe. But I’ve been there, and this has become an all-too common story. The chronic disease epidemic is real. And I’m here to share the good news— you have NOT exhausted all your options. In fact, most of us don’t stumble onto the REAL solutions until all the other paths have failed.Â
Why? Well, that’s a long story, for another article. But, as I’ve learned the hard way, whatever ’solution’ is served right up for you (and is easiest to find) probably is not the answer.Â
Inversely, those options that have been obscured (or nearly killed off), well, that is where we have to start looking. In this world Truth is rarely just handed over to you— you often have to search for it.Â
But, like buried treasure, it is SO worth the effort!Â
Suffice it to say, Homeopathy is old (late 1700s), scientifically-based (really) and well-tested (the first double-blind placebo controlled trials were by homeopaths), and although it was nearly run out of the US, homeopathy remained widely used in other countries (India, France, the UK), and by famous figures you probably didn’t realize (President Lincoln, John D. Rockefeller, the Royal Family).Â
In some countries insurance even pays for homeopathic treatment (Switzerland). It is inexpensive and effective. Even in the US there has been a strong comeback of homeopathy rising in recent years, as people become more and more disillusioned with the ‘mainstream’ way (aka Organized Medicine) and look for real solutions.Â
I mean, after all these years of doctor visits and taking drugs, where’s the cure? (Hint: Allopathic medicine doesn’t do cures.)
The next post to follow will provide an overview to get you familiar with what Homeopathy is (and isn’t).
So, why this new Substack?
Well, I’m NOT here to promote my services. I have plenty to keep me busy.
As I have typed up instructions and resources for my clients, and answered a million questions (many the same ones over and over), I see the need to share all of this with the broader population.Â
Also, because Homeopathy has been ‘fringe’ for so long, people don’t understand it. Yet, every family should have a kit in their home and learn to (at minimum) treat acutes for their loved ones.
Just this morning I deeply burned my fingers on a hot pan. I immediately grabbed my homeopathic remedies and started treating. At first every few minutes, then every half hour, and now about 4 hours later I’m typing here pain-free. (If a little twinge starts up I’ll dose again, until gone.)Â
What did I use? (Everyone always wants to know the remedies!)
I keep a mix on my counter I call PACH, which is Plantago 3X + Arnica 3X + Calendula 3X + Hypericum 3X. It’s my go-to for any skin ailments. So I started that topically right away.
Then when the pain started to kick in, and that deep burn, body shock sensation, I grabbed the Aconitum 200 and Cantharis 30, already in wet dose bottles on my counter. I alternated those two, as mentioned above, until the pain disappeared.
I will continue as needed now until 100%. (But no sleepless night tonight with throbbing fingers! And maybe no blisters even!)
Wondering what all of that means?… 3X, wet dose, etc. That’s why we need a place that breaks all of this down and becomes a resource for all.
These pages will provide the basis, the nuts-and-bolts, the practical details, and the how-tos, as well as case studies, and, I hope, over time, become a vast, free source for those seeking to use homeopathy to heal their chronic ailments.
I will also include Banerji Protocols, and how to use them. These incredible gifts are transforming the face of homeopathy. No more searching for the perfect ONE simillimum for each person. These protocols are already tried and tested for many, many conditions. (More on this in future posts.)
There are already lots of sources for acutes ailments online. A top site for you to start with would be JoetteCalabrese.com. Her free Practical Homeopathy blog is a wonderful resource, as are her podcasts. You can also find many courses to take for more in-depth knowledge.
[Quick tip: Just do an internet search and type in Joette and the condition you are looking for (such as, Joette swimmer’s ear— or Joette insomnia) and the page you are looking for will pop right up in the results.]
My focus is helping others heal from complex mystery diseases.
Though make no mistake, I don’t heal anyone, and I’m not a doctor or medical professional.
Homeopathy does all the heavy lifting.
And, man, you wouldn’t believe how strong it can be.
YOU can do this yourself, if you just get equipped with some basic knowledge and resources. And I’m here to help, via Homeopathy, for the highest good of humanity.
Until next time,
PS. If you want a little more info about me, you can check out my website homeopathyrising.org.
PPS. For now all content will remain 100% accessible to all. If you feel inclined to subscribe to support me, I thank you. Only subscribers can comment on posts. And if you comment, I will do my best to answer you!