It occurred to me that not everyone understands this important information. I have mentioned it in passing, but haven’t yet explained thoroughly how to antidote a homeopathic remedy. This is a very helpful thing to know, especially with our recent discussions of homeopathic provings and aggravations.
Homeopathy is medicine. It is not herbs or supplements that you take day after day, or year after year, just because it MIGHT be doing something.
(Often we have no real clarity around whether or not various products are helping us. No judgement, I did this for a long time myself. But since homeopathy, I save a small fortune on all the vitamins, and supplements, and new special mushrooms— or whatever is trending— that I don’t have to buy. I take Vitamin D and C daily, and zinc and B12 sometimes. That’s it. And I use these because I KNOW they help me.)
So, because homeopathy is medicine, it has real effects. Whether you notice this by way of symptoms clearing up, or by actual new effects being experienced (sometimes unwanted), homeopathy is not something we take willy-nilly without either a diagnosis we are working with or symptoms we are using.
If you do experience an unwanted effect from homeopathy, it’s good to know that you always have the option to antidote it.
This will STOP the action, but doesn’t undo any good that has been done already. (It’s not like a reset to zero, just a full stop right here and now.)
The universal antidote in homeopathy is:
Camphora 200
Usually just a dose will do. And then you’ll notice any proving or aggravation effects will stop. Typically quite quickly.
If they don’t stop altogether, you can try another dose.
And it goes without saying that you ALSO stop taking the homeopathic remedy!
Keep in mind that JUST stopping the remedy will stop the action too. Generally by the next day it will be done. But depending on what you are experiencing it may peter off over days or up to a week. (Such as when I got a boil from taking Hepar Sulph too long. I could tell within a day of stopping it that it was better— all the heat and soreness dissipated— but it took about a week to go away entirely. However, with something like fatigue or feeling emotional, you should feel better rapidly, especially if you antidote it as well.
Whatever the situation, if homeopathy is the cause and you stop it and/or antidote it, it WILL clearly get better in short order.
IF there is no improvement after stopping the homeopathy AND antidoting, then it is NOT the homeopathy causing the issue. It cannot persist without the stimulus.
[There are a very few exceptions to this, and even then it is not a case of homeopathy causing a new condition. I will discuss this in-depth in an article I am working on about suppressions. This would be where a condition that was suppressed, usually by pharmaceuticals, will be revealed again by the use of homeopathy. Like turning back the clock and getting a chance to heal the original condition correctly and uproot it this time. But no matter if it is being brought out— an old condition coming forward— or something new, we look at the overall picture and choose homeopathy for what is currently presenting.]
As an aside, surprisingly often there is a coincidence between taking a homeopathic remedy and some symptom that arises that is uncomfortable. If stopping the remedy or using the Camphora doesn’t help, then do take a look at other things in your life that could have been the cause, or consider that it may just be something new arising altogether. (It’s kind of crazy how often things coincide on one day, but when broken apart and tested, they turn out to be unrelated. That old ‘correlation does not equal causation’. But this is easy to test, so feel free to stop the remedy or antidote it and see if the problem remains.)
In all my years of using homeopathy I have only used Camphora to antidote a remedy a few times. Usually I just stop taking the remedy.
Yes, there are other ways to antidote, at least in theory, from trusted sources. You can use strong essential oils, such as peppermint. By putting the bottle up to your nostril and deeply inhaling, this will also antidote the homeopathy action. Other strong smells like eucalyptus, menthol, and tea tree would serve as well. Also the gross form of Camphor, if you have an old-school bottle around, or in a product such as Tiger Balm. (I have never antidoted homeopathy this way, but am told it works. Though you may need to repeat it.)
Camphora 200 may also be used to antidote many drugs and other exposures.
The Banerjis used Camphora to open every case. One dose, one day, and then start the homeopathic protocols. This was to clear any previously taken homeopathy and/or drugs or other influences that might have been acting unseen. I have heard that this one dose alone has helped people, but I have not experienced that yet myself.
[Actually, I said they used it to open ALL cases, but for infants under one year, they opened the case with Aconitum 200, one dose, one day. Which is pretty neat, as Aconitum is a premier remedy for shock and trauma, and there’s little in life to compare to the shock and trauma of being born!]
In my Practical Homeopathy practice, I often do this— open a case with a dose of Camphora 200— but certainly not always. Many times a person is already taking some homeopathy that is helping, so we just continue on. No reason to halt the progress. Other times, my clients are working within a tight budget, and instead of having them buy a tube Camphora just to take one dose, we start right in with their remedy plan. Or, if the situation is at an intense, or even emergency level, we don’t take time for the Camphora before starting, unless relevant to the situation.
Which brings up another important point. What I use more often than antidoting or stopping remedies altogether is… I just look for the correct medicine(s) and switch to that!
If you are having any issues with the homeopathy you are taking, often the best plan of action is to step back, look at the big picture again, choose your remedies with fresh eyes, and just pivot to the correct homeopathic medicines.
However, Camphor is an important remedy to own. You will also find it in some of the Banerji Protocols, such as—
Drug-Induced Dermatitis pg. 70
For minor irritating rash to severe skin reactions such as Erythema Multiform. The medicines act to antidote the offending substance and give relief to the skin lesions.
Camphora 200 alternating with Antimonium Crudum 6C, every three hours, until complete relief
When having a reaction, whether from a known or an unknown cause— environmental? infection? food? drug taken? poison? anesthesia? sudden shock?— consider starting with a dose of Camphora. If a dose helps some, but not entirely, then you can repeat it. If it doesn’t help at all, no harm done, you can move on. If it’s an emergency or acute situation, don’t wait a day to see (this is just common sense), just give it a little time to observe and then move on.
In fact, Camphora is a top remedy that homeopaths have used for COVID. You can find the Banerji Protocol for COVID here. (Use command+F or control+F to search the page for ‘COVID’, which can be found partway down as part of the complete index of all the published Banerji Protocols.)
The Banerjis opened any suspected case of COVID with a dose of Camphora 200. This was pretty early on during the COVID years, when they shared their protocol for all to use. Later some people were using Camphora 1M repeatedly to really kick some COVID cases.
[An interesting side note about the COVID protocols— the first three homeopathic remedies are Camphora 200, which antidotes and can stop many colds and flus if taken early enough; Thuja 30 which is our general homeopathic ‘antiviral’; and Eupatorium Perfoliatum MT, another homeopathic option that can stop many colds and flus in their tracks. I generally use the Eupatorium in a 200, or even a 1M, though they used the Q/Mother Tincture. The other remedies in the protocols, following these first three, are for sinuses, lungs, etc.]
I have used Camphor 200 and 1M in cold and flu situations. It’s not always the right fit, but when helpful, I have continued to use it for days (taken approximately three to six times a day) until better. While doing this, I was aware that my usual remedies (taken daily as part of my homeopathy plan at the time) felt less potent. They were still acting, because I repeated the doses, but the Camphor did lessen the action.
For this reason, many people might choose to just take the Camphora alone. Which is fine, assuming there is no urgent reason to keep other remedies going.
There are times that having Camphora as part of a homeopathy plan also makes sense. However, you must repeat the remedies, which is already part of most of the protocols anyway. (Such as above under Drug-Induced Dermatitis, the Camphora alternates with the Antimonium Crudum every three hours.)
You’ll also find Camphora used in the Banerji Protocols for Chicken Pox, Cholera and Diarrhea.
And you can also read about Camphora in a Materia Medica. It has a substantial entry and a lot of history of use (it’s been a very useful cholera remedy through the ages) and it has some unique keynotes, in particular; state of collapse- from pneumonia, injury, snakebites, shock, sudden sinking of strength, fainting, sunstroke, infection, extreme fatigue, barely perceptible pulse, low temperatures, low blood pressure, breath cold, icy cold in general, blue, etc. It is also known to help in cases where the person has never been right since anesthesia.
And now you know how to antidote homeopathic medicines and use homeopathic camphor in other ways as well!
Thanks for reading and subscribing.
Until next time!
If you have questions, paying subscribers may ask below, and I do answer. You can also find me over on, where I post daily tips and protocols that don’t warrant a full article.
Find the complete Homeopathy Rising archive here. For beginners, I recommend going back to the start, as the articles build in a logical sequence.
As always, I don’t diagnose or prescribe. I am offering educational information from the heart, and from my experience, and it is up to you to use it wisely, or not, in your own life!