Homeopathy is absolutely a new paradigm. In many ways it is the opposite of modern organized medicine. Homeopathy is the only system of medicine that I know of that is a viable option to completely replace the current drugs-as-medicine model. It could replace it right now. Seamlessly. Without side effects. Without killing people. Homeopathy works to uproot conditions once and for all. And it can even undo the years of suppressions and distortions caused by drug use and modern medical interventions, which are all too often at the root of today’s diseases.
But this requires understanding homeopathy. And we have to come to trust these medicines. So, although I love to work with complex cases and share those amazing healing stories, I feel compelled to start with some basics. This post is for those of you new to homeopathy.
Remember homeopathy is a unique, clinically-proven, system of medicine, which uses the law of similars. It is not herbs, or naturopathy, or ‘wholistic medicine. Review this easy-to-read article if you missed it:
Now, for absolute beginners…
A great place to start is with homeopathic combination remedies.
Here is AllergyCalm, a top Boiron combination remedy.
Note under Drug Facts where it says Allium Cepa 5C HPUS. The 5C is a homeopathic dilution and HPUS refers to the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. (The HPUS sets the guidelines for homeopathic pharmacies to create specific, reproducible medicines. This is in addition to oversight by the FDA.) So, even if the box doesn’t say ‘homeopathic’ across the front (some do, some don’t), if this is what the ingredients look like, then they are homeopathic medicines.
•Easy to get started. Just choose a combo and follow the instructions.
•Considered safe for all ages, animals, everyone. (I love AllergyCalm for my cats when they get snuffly or sneezy during allergy season!)
•Pharmacy-tested combinations that take the guesswork out of selecting a homeopathic medicine.
•A great learning tool! Check out which remedies they use. Notice different pharmacies use different combos for Stress or Sleep, for example. One combination may be more helpful for you than another. What’s the difference?
•If a combo works for you somewhat, even a little, but not enough, you can read up on the remedies that are in the mix to fine-tune your selection. You can then purchase the remedies as single medicines in a variety of potencies. It’s not uncommon that a higher potency will be needed.
•This is a great way to gain confidence with homeopathy.
•These combos are generally low potency 5C or 6X… maybe 30C at the most. Depending on your condition, you may need to start with 30C or 200C in one of the medicines— because potency matters and makes a big difference. (Crazy as it may seem, the higher the number the more diluted the original substance AND the more potent the medicine. More on this later.)
•Combination medicines are like a gentle shotgun approach (if possible!), and they don’t factor in any information about your specific situation. (So, to repeat, this approach is broad and general, and as you gain experience and knowledge you’ll be able to more readily use a targeted sniper approach with the medicines.)
•It may be tempting to think that because one combination didn’t work for you, that homeopathy ‘doesn’t work’. There are thousands of remedies, and if you don’t have the right ‘match’ in remedy, potency and frequency you probably won’t get results— or at least not stunning results.
All of the top homeopathic pharmacies have their own versions of combination remedies. They may include similar, or totally different, homeopathic selections. That’s because there are so many options to choose from in homeopathy, and yet there are also the ones we all ‘know’ are for condition ‘X’.
The following are some examples of combination remedies. This list is not exhaustive, and please note availability is constantly in flux.
(I imagine some of these links will change before long. So, when in doubt, go directly to the pharmacy website and look around. Many of these can also be purchased on Amazon and other sites.)
We Americans tend to call it boy-run, but this French homeopathic pharmacy actually is pronounced bwah-rone. Started in 1932, Boiron is a trusted international provider of all things homeopathic.
Boiron also has a nice little app which helps you select remedies— both combination and single-use. Check out the Boiron Medicine Finder here.
AND use this Coupon Code if you purchase from to get 20% off your order. Code: joette
(I don’t get anything from sharing this with you… except feeling good!)
Boiron ‘Oscillo’ (Oscillococcinum) — Not a combination medicine. This is the remedy Anas Barbaiae. It is sold boxed like the combinations and is widely used for colds and flus. Take it early enough and you may avoid getting sick all together. It is the #1 OTC Seller in France— beating out even Tylenol!
Boiron ColdCalm— Many also use this combo at early onset to prevent getting sick. But it may also still be helpful once symptoms set in. Also, don’t miss the Banerji Protocol for stopping colds and flus in their tracks.
Boiron Arnica— Also not a combination. Arnica Montana is often the ‘gateway to homeopathy’ for the many people. It is a wonderful, wide-sweeping remedy, that may be useful for all kinds of injuries, pains, bruises, stiffness and much more. At this link it is advertised for bruises, but that’s just one little aspect of Arnica (see more below).
Boiron Arnica Gel— Topical homeopathic Arnica Montana gel, can be helpful for bumps, bruises, soreness, and injuries that you can touch, like a swollen knee. (Do not use on open wounds.)
Boiron Acne Relief— There’s also a great Banerji Protocol for acne.
Boiron Camilia— Teething relief for babies.
Boiron YeastCalm— For yeast infections.
Boiron Cyclease— There are three variations for women— PMS, Menopause, and Menstrual Cramps.
Helios Homeopathy
Located in the UK, this homeopathic pharmacy is a favorite of mine. They have just about every remedy imaginable and also have wonderful customer service. They ship everywhere and it generally only takes 2-3 weeks to the US. For US customers the VAT tax you get credited back at checkout often offsets shipping costs. Compare prices and, unless the exchange rate is out of whack, you’ll find they are very good value. Also check out their homeopathy kits. The more you order the bigger the discount you will automatically be given.
Helios ABC for Children— For fevers and earaches—ABC = Aconitum, Belladonna and Chamomilla.
Washington Homeopathic Products
Manufacturing homeopathic products since 1873. They don’t have the widest selection, but what they do have is very good value. I use them to stock up on commonly used single remedies. Also check out their kits.
Here’s a discount code for 10% off at WHP: NCHMEMBER10
Hylands Naturals
Famous for their ‘Cell Salts’. (The Cell Salts are really just twelve homeopathic medicines that were identified as also being important elements of the human body. More on cell salts in a future post.) Hyland’s also has their own homeopathic combination remedies.
Hyland’s Leg Cramps— There are three versions— Regular, PM, and Ointment.
Hyland’s Earache Drops— There is also a great Banerji Protocol for ear infections in the book.
Hyland’s Baby Diaper Rash Cream
Bioplasma— Their well-known combo of all 12 cell salts in one. (Try this in place electrolyte replacement drinks!)
The Organic Pharmacy
I includes this one because it is a classic combo for feelings of panic and travel anxiety.
And look at that! So many ways to get started with homeopathy! :)
Also, don’t forget to check out your local natural health food store and even Walmart, Target and other stores with pharmacies. Many will, at minimum, have a Boiron display. Many also stock a variety of combinations.
Take a picture of what is available at your local store for easy reference. I use mine all the time to let clients know what they can pick up locally:

My local Natural Grocers has a pretty large selection. They also include some easy reference maps to help with individual remedy selection.

You’ll probaly find there aren’t many 200C potencies. And you’ll virtually never find 1M potencies in the stores. Also 3X and 3C are not widely available in the US. You’ll need to plan ahead to have other potencies for when you need them.
A couple of final notes:
There will be an expiration date listed on most of these products. This is required by the FDA. However; if taken care, of these medicines will last virtually forever.
The tubes will also each have a little one-liner on the side stating what it’s ‘for’. And the combinations will state a ‘purpose’ next to each medicine that’s in it. This is also required by the FDA, but keep in mind that this description is very limited.
See here, the Boiron Arnica tube says it, ‘Relieves muscle pain and stiffness, swelling from injuries, discoloration after bruising.’
All of that’s true, but then check out the entry for Arnica in Robin Murphy’s Materia Medica:

That’s over five pages of ALL things that Arnica may be helpful for!
Arnica is what we would call a polychest in homeopathy, a wide-sweeping remedy that may be helpful for many different conditions. In fact, it’s so useful that we have a saying in homeopathy, ‘When in doubt, Arnica!’.
Understandably, the Materia Medica at can seem a bit overwhelming at first, which is why it helps to have combination medicines, as well as those friends and experts who will point the way.
Remember to always check the free blog at if you are looking for remedies for a specific condition. She covers a lot of the common ones, and also includes Banerji Protocols for common conditions.
And for those you wondering about the tubes, here’s a quick video showing how to dispense the pills from the Boiron tubes. (Many people prefer the Boiron medicines over other brands because of their awesome dispensing system.)
In Part 2 of Getting Started with Homeopathy we’ll dive into selecting individual remedies. Be sure to subscribe to get these free articles directly in your inbox!