If you are going to be using homeopathy, the simple fact is that you need to own a good base of remedies.
Most of us can find some homeopathic medicines locally, but the selection will be limited compared to what is truly available to us. And when you really need something you need it NOW, not in a week, not even in two days fast shipping.
Typically my clients start with buying just what is needed for their case. But as time goes on, and they realize the wide scope of what they can use homeopathy for, I often get asked, ‘Which homeopathic remedies should I own?’.
Seeing as how there are literally thousands of remedies, if you don’t have the experience it can be very hard to know where to start.
In practice a few hundred remedies get used the most often, and that can be narrowed down to around a hundred for a really good base.
Here are ideas for helping you get started with building your stock of homeopathic medicines:
What can you get locally?—Â
Take photos of the display at your local health food store so you always know what they carry. I use my photos ALL the time. This can help you prioritize what you should order online now versus what you could pick up, if needed.
Homeopathy Kits—
This can be a great way to get started with homeopathy. Just keep in mind that a main reason why they are such good value is that the bottles with the pellets are very small. If you are dry dosing they will need refilling very quickly. If you wet dose they actually may last through whatever acute issue you are facing. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, see my post on Administering Homeopathic Medicines here.)
I would love to supply links to good kits, but they come and go so quickly that the links will not be good for long.Â
These are the main places I would look, that generally have good homeopathy kits available:
Search ‘kit’ to see what they currently have in stock.
You may also find Helios kits through Amazon and on Dana Ulman’s site. (See below.)
Refills for the kits (the little bottles) are available too.
Prices are in British pounds and everything is made in the UK, so there will be, generally, a few weeks of waiting for them to arrive.
Helios is one of my favorite pharmacies. They have the best stock, excellent customer service (just email them with any questions), and their homeopathic medicines are great value (though do check the exchange rate as it does fluctuate.)
When I place large orders I find it averages out to about $7 USD per 8g bottle (which is roughly the same size as a Boiron tube). That includes high potencies (1M), which many pharmacies charge much higher prices for. If you don’t live in the UK, you will not have to pay VAT tax. Often I find that alone covers the shipping cost to the US.Â
If you have the funds and want to buy normal-size bottles (versus a kit), Helios offers discounts (automatically applied to your cart) the more you buy.
£150 or more - 10% discount
£200 ore more - 15% discount
£350 ore more - 20% discount
I’ll write more on Helios in the future, as everyone always wants to know about the sizes and what exactly to order. But see the bottom of the post for a summary.
They usually have one or two kits quality in stock.
You can check what they have at Boiron. This would not be my top choice right now— but what they offer does change.
I would NOT buy kits that are heavy on the 6C potencies, as some of these are. I would, at minimum, get 30C potencies in most remedies, if not 200C.
Try the code ‘joette’ for 20% off at the Boiron site.
Sign up for his newsletter to receive updates on lots of interesting products, including new kits. He usually has a small selection available. Click on his name above to go to the store.
Search ‘Homeopathy Kit’ and see what Amazon has to offer. At the moment they have a variety of kits from Helios, Boiron, Ollois, and a nice one from Homeomart too.
+Dropper Bottles
And don’t forget to buy dropper bottles if you plan to use the wet dose method. Maybe start with a set of a dozen (or more) 1 or 2 oz droppers. Purchased in quantity they will only cost about $1 each.
Something like this:
Consider Other Specific Medicines that YOU Might Need—Â
After considering the kits, read through the Banerji Protocol books and make sure to own the remedies you think that you and your loved ones might be most likely to need.
For example:Â
•Maybe rattlesnakes are common in your area. (Crotalus Horridus is included on the list below.)
•Maybe frostbite is more of an issue where you live. (Hamamelis 200C + Arnica 3C are on the list below.)Â
•Does someone in your life get poison ivy every summer? (Anacardium Orientale is included on the list below.)
•Do you have a heart condition? Look up all the cardiac remedies used in the Banerji Protocols and prioritize those for your homeopathy collection.
•Have kids? Stock up on emergency remedies and those for colds/flus and common childhood diseases. (See the Banerji books for mumps, chicken pox, SARS, Influenza, sore throats, ear infections, and more.)
•Do you live in a country that experiences malaria, typhus, cholera, or other infectious diseases? Be sure to prioritize those medicines. (Again, reference the Banerji books.)
And in case you missed it, I posted the Banerji protocol for COVID here. It was given to the public well after the books came out. (The main remedies are included in the list below.) Go to this page and search for COVID (command+F or control+F to search any page).
A Starter List for a Well-Stocked Homeopathy Medicine Cabinet—
The suggested list below is my gift to you.
If you want to start with fewer medicines, check out the homeopathy kits and also see the items with the dash next to them.Â
ALL of us homeopathic practitioners always have a wish list going, with more remedies we want, more books to own. We joke that ‘she who dies with the most homeopathic remedies wins’.:) This will continually be a matter of priority and budget, so don’t worry about it. Just start your list and over the years you’ll gradually build your supply. If you can get them all right now, great, but it’s not necessary.Â
You can always just start with what you need right now. However, if you get serious about homeopathy, you will quickly discover how common it is to need that ONE remedy you don’t own.
(Also a reason not to loan out your homeopathy. Do give someone a wet dose bottle to take, but don’t give away what you may suddenly need tomorrow. It happens all the time!)
I’m not going to detail WHY I chose each of the remedies below. For one, it would take a very long time and make an excessively long post. And two, each medicine can cover SO many issues. I may say a medicine is for THIS; but one remedy is rarely just for one thing. Â
That’s why, if you are at the point of building a stock, you should also own a Homeopathic Materia Medica. If I had to choose ONE Materia Medica, this is the one I would buy:
Nature’s Materia Medica by Robin Murphy
And here’s the companion repertory, MetaRepertory 4th Edition by Robin Murphy
If you must start with one, go with the materia medica and the Banerji Protocol books. The repertory can come later.
(I will write a post with much more about this soon.)
An Excellent Starting Place—
This suggested shopping list covers a great many issues from gastrointestinal problems, including dysentery, constipation, and a wide variety of bloating, gas, belching and other problems, skin issues from rashes to fungal infections to cracking, infections (minor to sepsis), pains of various types, fatigue, brain fog, disordered taste and smell, snake and many other bites and stings, allergies, depression, insomnia, fevers/flus/colds/coughs, burns, immunity, menstrual irregularities and cramps, cold sores and canker sores, bleeding issues (such as hemorrhages, strokes, nosebleeds and more), clotting issues, heart conditions, anemia, vomiting, nausea, anaphylaxis, kidney issues, urinary issues (such as UTIs), anxiety, grief, phobias, sinus conditions, allergic reactions, bruises, hematomas, head injuries, headaches, migraines, muscle, joint and tendon problems, a wide variety of injuries, motion sickness, restless legs, teeth and gum issues, viruses, childhood diseases, respiratory conditions, eye issues, ear problems, pre- and post- surgery protocols, and many, many other acute and chronic conditions, including a great many of the Banerji Protocols. (I will reference many or most of these homeopathic remedies in future posts.)
I tried to write out the full name of each homeopathic medicine for you. We practitioners often refer to remedies by the first word. But if you are getting to know them, do check to make sure you are getting the precise medicine before ordering.
In general, the average cost will be about $10 per standard size bottle, some less some a bit more. Better if you buy in bulk and get discounts, of course!
Often you will need to own more than one potency. When in doubt (IF no clear protocol to use as a reference) I would start with 30C.
In actual practice, if a protocol calls for 6C and you only own 30C, I would definitely use that.
If a protocol calls for 200C, I would ideally own the 200. If all I had on hand was a 30C, I would definitely begin with that, but I would order the 200C asap. The 30C may do it, but it might only help part way (or not at all), because it’s not a high enough potency.
I don’t use a lot of 6C potencies, except in very specific protocols. But even when called for I have frequently gone to a 30C, either because I had it or because it acted better. (More on this later, just trying to help you prioritize your shopping list.)Â
Items with a dash (-) next to them are a simplified version of the list, a good place to start building your collection, if you must choose.Â
As noted in a previous post, the C potency could be CH or CK. But X should be X.
Homeopathy Main Shopping List (89 medicines by name, more if choosing multiple potencies)
-Aconitum Napelles 200C
-Anacardium Orientale 30C
-Antimonium Crudum 6C, 200C
Antimonium Tartaricum 200CÂ
-Apis Mellifica 30C, 200C, 1M (cases of anaphylaxis may require the 1M)
Argentum Nitricum 200
-Arnica 3C, 30C, 200C, 1M (covers the full range of uses and protocols for this important polycrest)
-Arsenicum Album 3C or 6C, 30C, 200C (covers the full range of uses and protocols, another important one)
-Aurum Metallicum 200C
Baptisia 200CÂ
-Belladonna 6C, 30CÂ
Bellis Perennis 200C
Berberis Vulgaris 30C
Borax 30C
-Bryonia Alba 30C, 200CÂ
-Calcarea Carbonica 30C, 200CÂ
-Calcarea Fluorica 6X or 12X
-Calcarea Phosphorica 6X
-Calendula Officinalis 30CÂ
-Camphora 200C
-Cantharis 30C, 200C, 1M (1M could be used in cases of severe burns)
-Carbo Vegetabilis 200C
Carbolicum Acidum 30C
-Chamomilla 200CÂ
-Chelidonium Majus 6C
-China (aka Cinchona) 30C and/or 200CÂ
Cimicifuga Racemosa 200C
-Cocculus Indicus 30C
Conium Maculatum 6C
-Crataegus Oxyacantha 3X
-Crotalus Horridus 200C
-Cuprum Metallicum 6C
-Coffea Cruda 200C
Drosera 30C
-Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200C
Euphrasia Officinalis 30C
-Ferrum Phosphoricum 6C, 30C (if I had to start with one, I’d choose 30C)
-Gelsemium Sempervirens 6C, 30C, 200C (if I had to start with one, I’d choose 30C)
Graphites 200C
-Gunpowder 200C
-Hamamelis Virginiana 200C
Helleborus Niger 30C
Helonias Dioica 200
-Hepar Sulph (full name- Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum) 6C, 200C
Hyoscyamus Niger 6C, 200C
-Hypericum Perforatum 200C, 1M (the 1M would be for cases of extreme pain)
-Ignatia Amara 200C
-Ipecacuanha 30CÂ
Kali Bichromium 30CÂ
Kali Iodatum 6C
Kali Carbonicum 200
-Kali Muriaticum 6C, 30C (if I had to start with one, I’d choose 30C)
Lac Caninum 30C
-Lachesis Mutus 200CÂ
-Ledum Palustre 200CÂ
-Lycopodium Clavatum 200CÂ
-Magnesia Phosphorica 6C, 30C (if I had to start with one, I’d choose 30C)
-Medorrhinum 200C
-Mercurius Solubilis (alternately called Mercurius Vivus) 6C, 30C, 200C (if I had to start with one, I’d choose 30C)
Naja 200C
-Natrum Muriaticum 6C, 30C, 200C (if I had to start with one, I’d choose 30C)
-Natrum Phosphoricum 30C
-Nux Vomica 30C, 200C
Petroleum 200C
Phosphoricum Acidum 200C
-Phosphorus 30CÂ
Picricum Acidum 200C
Plumbum Metallicum 200C
Podophyllum Peltatum 200C
-Pulsatilla Nigricans 30CÂ
-Psorinum 200C
-Pyrogenium 200C
-Rhus Tox (full name- Rhus Toxicodendron) 30C, 200C, 1M (1M would be for extreme pain)
-Rumex Crispus 30C
-Ruta Graveolens 200C
-Sanguinaria Canadensis 200C
-Sepia 200C
-Silica (aka Silicea) 6X or 6C, 30C, 200C (if I had to start with one, I’d choose 30C)
Staphysagria 200CÂ
Stramonium 6C, 200CÂ
-Sulphur 6C, 30C, 200C (if I had to start with one, I’d choose 30C)
-Symphytum Officinale 200C
-Tabacum 30C
-Thuja Occidentalis 30C
Tuberculinum (Bovinum) 200C
-Urtica Urens 30C
-Veratrum Album 200C
Wyethia 30C
Zincum Metallicum 30C
Kids, Colds, Flus and First Aid (9)
(In addition to the list above, these may come in handy!)
Allergy Calm (Boiron box)
Allium Cepa 30C
-Arnica Gel (1X) for topical use
Bioplasma (Hyland’s 12 cell salts* in one)
-Calendula 3X or Mother Tincture for topical use (not a gel because the base may not be good on open wounds)
Cold Calm (Boiron box)
Histaminium 30C
Oscillococciunum (Boiron box)
Sambucus Nigra 6C
*Cell salts were organized by Dr. Schuessler and identified as 12 minerals essential to health. But don’t be confused, they are homeopathic medicines and come in the same full range of potencies.
Other Specific and/or Rare Remedies (24)
(Some more you might want to own, and others that you wouldn’t be able to get quickly in an emergency. These are add-ons, in addition to the list above which already covers a lot— such as common snake venoms, sepsis, infectious diseases, and much more.)
Abrotanum 6C (No appetite, wasting)
Aethusa Cynapium 200C (Dairy allergy/reaction, delayed growth, autism spectrum, and more)
Anthracinum 200C (Anthrax nosode)
Avena Sativa 3X (Nerve tonic, may be helpful for drug detox, weaning off medication such as anti-depressants)
Bothrops Lanceolatus 200C (Snake venom, a top remedy for continual blood clots)
Bovista 200C (Chronic food intolerances and allergies)
Bufo Rana 30C or 200C (Poison toad, say for dogs who are often exposed in Florida)
Cadmium Sulphuricum 30C (Radiation poisoning- environmental, medical, chemotherapy, etc)
Cina 6X or 6C (Intestinal worms- kids, animals, all)
Diphtherinum 200 (Diphtheria nosode)
Iris Versicolor 200 (Heartburn problems, in addition to others)
Latrodectus Mactans 30C or 200C (Black Widow venom)
Loxosceles Recluse 200C (Brown Recluse Spider venom)
Lyssinum 30C or 200C (Rabies nosode, secondary to others for treatment, see Banerji Protocols)
Malandrinum 200C (Known for prevention of smallpox, and for ill effects of vaccination, in addition to others)
Malaria Officinalis 30C (Malaria nosode, used for prophylaxis, see Banerji Protocols for treatment)
Spigelia 30C or 200c (Face and eye neuralgias, migraines and more, this is a specific that some find necessary in addition to other mainstay medicines on the list above)
Spongia 30C, 200C (A specific for coughs- very dry coughs and is an alternate option for croup, in addition to others on main the list above)
Stannum Metallicum 200C (Oppressed, weak, breathing, bronchitis, pneumonia, Tuberculosis etc, in addition to others on the main list above)
Streptococcinum 200C (Strep nosode)
Tarantela Cubensis 200 (Tarantela- hyperactivity, recurrent boils and more, in addition to mainstays on the list above)
Vaccininum 15C (Herpes/Shingles, cold sores- a special order itemfrom Helios)
Variolinum 200C (Smallpox nosode)
Xray (Radiation from X-rays)
Female- Menstrual, Pregnancy, Birthing/Labor Medicines (6)
(If you have a bunch of females in the house, are pregnant etc, then these might be additional remedies and/or potencies to own.)
Caulophyllum 6X or 6C, 200C
Colocynthis 30C, 200C
Phytolacca Decandra 30C, 200C
Pulsatilla 200c (30C is on the main list above)
Sabina 6C, 30C, 200C (if I had to start with one, I’d choose 30C)
Sepia 6C (200C is on the main list above)
If I had it to do over…
In retrospect, from starting out from scratch and no knowledge, to a large stock and a lot of knowledge (including the Banerji Protocols), this is how I would build my homeopathic collection today:
If I were to do it again, I’d order all of the main list above from Helios, in the 8g bottles with size 3 pills. I’d get 20% off automatically and would have a very competent homeopathy stock on-hand and ready to go. Then I’d continue to add as I was able to, and as I gained experience.
Reorders and New Orders
Keep a running of list of remedies you need to reorder (before you run out) or that you would like to own the next time you place an order. (Also, I keep an inventory in my computer, which makes it so I don’t have to physically look to see what I own.)
Storing Homeopathic Medicines
More on this in a future post. There are lots of options you can buy (often expensive) and many less-expensive creative solutions. The trickiest bit is accommodating remedy bottles of different sizes and from different pharmacies. I’ll share what I and others do soon.
A Closing Note…
Of course there are MANY more homeopathic medicines available. But most homeopathic practitioners tend to regularly use 100 or maybe a few hundred remedies, not the thousands that exist. With this list you gain from my experience, discover what I use regularly and what I wouldn’t want to be without, and get a shortcut to the top homeopathic medicines utilized in the Banerji Protocols.
I hope you enjoy the process of setting up your homeopathic medicine collection. You won’t be sorry to have made this important investment in the health and well being of yourself and your loved ones.
Thanks for reading and subscribing! Until next time!