I’ve been working on an article with interesting real-life examples of homeopathic provings, aggravations, and even a little bit about suppressions. However, since these longer articles take between 5 and 8 hours to write, edit and post, sometimes carving out the time in my busy schedule is a challenge. (And that’s working seven days a week!)
However, I did want to pop in and share a quick example of how the Banerji Protocols can make life easier— a lot easier— when choosing homeopathic remedies.
Not long ago, I started to experience some deeply gripping pain in my neck, with an intense headache, which is not at all the norm for me. One night in my sleep, I was awakened by this terrible and deep head pain. As I lay there observing it (the first step in homeopathy!), I felt it was a deep neuralgic pain linked directly to a problem tooth.
I’ve been working on this tooth for some time (homeopathically, of course), which made it easier to notice the link.
[Much more to come on the topic of dental work and stealth infections. I’ll just say here that having the pain become isolated in my tooth area may actually be a positive. I have spent a solid year discovering the link between many of my chronic and systemic health issues and my teeth. And most of those systemic issues are now resolved. It seems many chronic conditions may actually have ‘roots’ in undiscovered bad teeth. And headaches definitely can be caused by this. If you’ve had extensive dental work, including root canals, I think you’ll find this topic very interesting and helpful. I plan to write about it in the next couple of months.]
Headaches, as a class, can be overwhelming to figure out, so the more you can isolate the cause (neuralgia, sinuses, stress, strain of muscles, weather, food intolerances, blood flow issues, hormones, old injuries, bad teeth, etc) the better off you’ll be in finding the most helpful homeopathic medicines. (Also, don’t forget the Banerji protocols for headaches/migraines as a great place to start, especially if they are chronic.)
That night I took a few doses of whatever I had next to my bed. (Mag Phos, Coffea, Chamomilla, something along those lines.) Which helped enough to go back to sleep, but definitely didn’t resolve the problem. And I could feel it wasn’t a matter of taking more of them, which is only something that comes with experience. In the morning the deep head pain was still there.
So, soon as I could, I got out the Banerji Protocols book and found these two entries for neuralgia. Interesting the similarities, no?
Facial Pain (Neuralgia) pg. 76- includes trigeminal neuralgia
Tarentula Cubensis 200 in liquid 1W / Hypericum 200 2D (up to e1H SOS)
Post-Herpetic Neuralgia pg. 107
Tarentula Cubensis 200 e3D / Hypericum 200 2D, or e2-3H in case of acute neuralgia
[Remember you can find the searchable and complete index of all the Banerji Protocols from both books here, plus additional protocols such as the one for COVID that is not in the books.]
Generally speaking, it is a good exercise to get out the Materia Medica and read up on the homeopathic medicines. However, I will also caution you about that.
Yes, we want to know the medicines, absolutely. But when using the Banerji Protocols you will find plenty of times when you go the Materia Medica and say, geez this doesn’t ‘fit me’ at all. Or, in the case of Tarentula Cubensis, you won’t find much info, period. (Tarentula Hispanica has a much more beefy entry, and there are crossovers between the two. But with the protocols, it is recommended to follow ‘the recipe’ for best results.)
By now, because of years of experience, I know to trust the Banerji choices, which have been tried and tested thousands of times in their clinics. I will always at least start there.
So, without a second thought, and a busy day ahead of me, I got out the Tarentula Cubensis 200. I only own the pills, not the liquid form, which I have rarely found to be an issue. (And I almost always use wet doses, which I did here. I share that with you so you know it works and is an option, but you are welcome to take the dry dose pills directly in your mouth.)
I took a dose and started my work day. Over the next 2-3 hours I felt the neuralgic grip start to loosen and then almost entirely recede. Lovely.
Later that evening I felt the pain start to return. I didn’t worry that the protocol said every three days or once a week, I took it again. (Often I find more frequent dosing is required. I’ll explain more about that in the future.)
Once again the remedy slowly kicked in. (Some remedies you’ll find work fast, others require a little more time.)
I could have also added the Hypericum 200 (or even 1M if the pain was still intense.) But I didn’t at that time, because I felt the Tarentula was acting well; and I already take Hypericum 200 (plus Arsenicum 200) twice a day as part of my tooth healing plan.
Current day: I am still taking the Tarent-c 200 twice a day, in addition to my other remedies.
Pretty simple.
This is an example of trusting the protocols and the medicines. And taking advantage of the work they’ve done for us already, so we don’t have to spend a day researching the myriad remedies for headaches, neuralgic pain etc. (Which is a LOT.)
And this is a reminder that you don’t always have to look up the remedy to see if it ‘fits’. In fact, especially when new to homeopathy, or if you are used to more ‘classical’ teachings, you will probably set yourself up for a lot of doubt.
Through experience I have come to trust the Banerji medicine recommendations. Especially when I am pretty clear on what the problem is. (Not being clear on what is happening is one of the most common causes for a medicine ‘not working’. If the diagnosis is wrong, then the medicine selection will likely be wrong.)
Tarentula Cubensis, for example, is a homeopathic medicine that often works for neuralgias. Period.
Also, recall that Line 1 of the protocols has been shown (in the Banerji clinics in India) to treat 80-90% (or more) of the cases. And Lines 2 and 3 of the protocols would address the remaining 10-20% who didn’t respond to the first line. It’s not evenly split for you to choose from. Line 1 is by far the most proven for the most people. Therefore, Line 1 is pretty much always a good place to start.
Over time and with practice, you’ll see for yourself why the Banerjis had such a high success rate.
Of course, if none of the protocols act, as sometimes happens, or if there is no protocol, you MAY need to go to the Repertory and Materia Medica. But I never start there anymore. I always check the protocols first, either for an exact protocol or for something related that might be useful.
Finally, I frequently remind myself of this chart:
It’s from page XXI of The Banerji Protocols book. In it, the Banerjis show that they do not rely on traditional homeopathic principles in their practice. Their approach was to find the right medicine for the diagnosis!
As always, I’m not telling you what to do for yourself or loved ones. Take what I offer that is useful to you, and feel free to set aside those parts that aren’t for you right now. You may revisit it in time. Sometimes we have to take the long route— which is never wasted, so long as we are always learning. Use common sense. Keep practicing. And trust these medicines— Homeopathy is the medicine of the people!
Thank you for reading and subscribing. Until next time. :)
Asthma is a bit tricky, because there are a variety of remedies and protocols. I see the one you are referring to. Yes, I would choose the baseline (such as Kali Carb) to stick with. The once a week would be for mild cases. More severe could be up to once a day. Kali carb can help with cough too. As for the acute remedy, such as Ipecac for cough, if it's not helping, then I would look for another option. Chelidonium 6X is an alternate that is is some of the other asthma protocols. Kali Iodatum as well (it often says wheezing, but it's not only for wheezing.) Coughs can be challenging, so it is totally fine to search for the remedy that gives acute relief. The Kali Carb is to uproot the lung condition, the Ipecac would be the acute. If the acute doesn't help the cough, after SOS dosing every 15 15-30 minutes for 5-6 doses, then it's time to move onto something else. There are A LOT of great cough remedies. So don't give up. Some others might be Carbo Veg, Rumex, ones likes Drosera and Spongia, Conium, and the list goes on.
Thanks for the reply! And thanks for your advice about my kitty too- we lost her but she seemed comfortable until the end. I really appreciate all the information!